“Connect,” For the Strength of Youth, Feb. 2021, inside front cover.
Maximiliano B.
16, Argentina
Photograph by German Sittner
I’ve really enjoyed setting goals for the new Children and Youth program. I’ve tried to set goals that will help me in my day-to-day life, but I’ve mostly been focusing on goals that will help me prepare for a mission. I’ve set goals to invite a friend to a Church activity, pass my classes in school, exercise two days a week, and improve my seminary attendance. I’ve already accomplished some of these goals and I’m really excited about it. It’s cool to see that I’ve already changed a ton.
This has all influenced my life a ton because now, you don’t just do an activity, write it down, and that’s it. It’s helping me to improve and change in all the different areas of my life. The goals, especially the spiritual ones, have helped me stay strong during these difficult times, which I know will also help me while I’m on my mission. And in some ways, a mission isn’t meant to last for just two years but for the rest of your life, so I know if I keep working hard and stay obedient, all of this really will impact me forever.