Fun Stop
February 2021

“Fun Stop,” For the Strength of Youth, Feb. 2021, 26–27.

Fun Stop

Fun Stop

Musical Numbers

In the early days of the Church, Emma Smith was asked to put together a collection of hymns (see Doctrine and Covenants 25). How many hymns were included in that first hymnbook? To find out, do the math below.

  1. Take the year the Church was organized and divide it by the number of witnesses of the Book of Mormon who were shown the gold plates by an angel (see Ether 5:4).

  2. Divide the result of A by the number of books in the Old Testament called Samuel.

  3. Take the result of B and subtract the number of sections in the Doctrine and Covenants.

  4. Take the result of C and add the youngest age at which a person can be baptized (see Doctrine and Covenants 68:25).

  5. Divide the result of D by the number of books of Moses in the Old Testament (see 1 Nephi 5:11).

  6. Take the result of E and add the number of days in a week.

  7. Divide the result of F by the number of “days” it took God to create the earth (see Doctrine and Covenants 77:12).

  8. Multiply the result of G by the number of virgins in the Savior’s parable (see Matthew 25:1).

  9. Take the result of H and add the number of loaves the Savior used to feed the four thousand (see Matthew 15:34–38).

  10. Take the result of I and add the number of articles of faith we have.

In Your Part of the World

Parents usually can’t pick a favorite child (unless they have only one) because narrowing it down is too hard. This question is almost as hard, but you can handle it!

What’s been your favorite Church youth activity you’ve ever done? Drop us a line (and include a photo from the activity if you can) to tell us why it was so great.

Send your photo and description to ftsoy@ChurchofJesusChrist.org. We’ll publish responses in a future issue to share with youth around the world.

Caber Toss Quiz

In Scotland, a favorite sport is the caber toss. A caber is a long, tapered (smaller at one end) log that an athlete throws in the air. The way to win is to pick up the caber at the tapered end, toss it end-over-end, and have the tapered end pointing away from the tosser in the 12:00 position on a clock.

Can you figure out which of these Scottish youth did the best toss in their activity today? Hint: the cabers with the tapered ends pointing away from the tosser (meaning that the caber did a full rotation) score the highest.

Bonus Quiz

One of the leaders is a dad to one of the young men. Can you spot them by their matching family kilts?


Two unicorns in a leaking raft

First we miss the ark and now this?!

Val Chadwick Bagley

Boy on phone, mom baking cake

Oh, hey, Dad. Mom can’t talk on the phone right now ’cause she’s making a surprise birthday cake for you.


Ryan Stoker
