Stuck in the Mud: A Lesson on Repentance
February 2021

“Stuck in the Mud: A Lesson on Repentance,” For the Strength of Youth, Feb. 2021, 14–15.

Come, Follow Me

Stuck in the Mud

A Lesson on Repentance

As we choose to turn to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, we find that They are there and ready to help us get out of any sticky situation.

girl in mud

Illustration by Dean MacAdam

Sometimes repentance can feel difficult to talk about. We may not even know what it means to repent. We might think only others can be forgiven or that we just need to repent of large sins. Don’t listen to those thoughts.

Heavenly Father wants you to know what repentance really means. He wants you to know it is not a punishment but a blessing. Repentance is a change in us—our thoughts, our desires, our actions, our very nature. It is part of becoming more Christlike. Repenting helps you to feel more joy now.

Joyful Repentance

How can repentance bring joy?

Jesus Christ said, “Return unto me, and repent of your sins … that I may heal you” (3 Nephi 9:13). Repentance allows us to “feel the joy of having the Savior’s help.”*

Satan wants us to think we are alone when we make mistakes. That is simply not true! Repentance helps us see that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ are always there. However, it is up to us to turn to Them. When we do, we find love, comfort, and joy knowing that we can be forgiven and try again.

A Muddy Afternoon

I thought of this lesson about repentance after watching my sister one afternoon. Our family’s backyard opened onto a field that had been cleared for construction. During heavy rainstorms, the field would turn to mud. This was no average mud. No, this mud was gross, gooey, and deep. If you got stuck, getting out was like trying to run through peanut butter.

One day my little sister decided she wanted to go outside and play. My mom reminded her to stay on the cement patio close to the house. Instead, my sister wandered off into the field.

After a while, I heard somebody crying and looked outside. I couldn’t believe it! My sister was sitting in the middle of the mud, completely covered, with tears rolling down her face. She kept trying to get out, but it was impossible. Every time she tried to move, she sunk deeper and deeper into the gross mud. Of course, we quickly ran out to rescue her.

I helped my mom lay down boards so we could walk out to my sister without getting stuck ourselves. The mud was so thick that when my sister was pulled out, her shoes and socks were sucked right off!

Cleansed through Christ

Life can be a lot like that muddy field. If we’re not careful, we can become bogged down by sin, worldly influences, or poor decisions. These things are like spiritual mud sticking to our spirit and make us feel awful inside.

As we choose to turn to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, we find that They are there and ready to help us get out of any sticky situation. It is because of the Savior Jesus Christ’s atoning sacrifice that we can be forgiven and become clean again. You will always find “joy in choosing to repent.”*
