A More Meaningful Christmas
December 2021

“A More Meaningful Christmas,” For the Strength of Youth, Dec. 2021.

Last Word

A More Meaningful Christmas

gas gauge

Illustrations by Mallory Clinger

As we celebrate the Savior’s birth at this joyous time of the year, God’s continuing and endless love seems to fill our souls more abundantly and helps us turn our hearts to our family, friends, and neighbors. It helps us to be more sensitive to those who may be feeling alone, lonely, or who are in need of comfort and peace.

girl showing boy kindness

The Savior’s life was the perfect example of love and goodwill toward men. He always forgot Himself in behalf of others. His selfless acts were expressed in all He did every day of His life and were not limited to a specific season or holiday.

young woman holding umbrella over old woman

As we turn our hearts outward like the Savior did, I promise that we can better experience the meaning of Christmas and find limitless opportunities to give of ourselves quietly and kindly to people who need us. This will help us to come to know the Savior better and find for ourselves the love, peace, and renewed strength that we can feel and share with others.

heart and mind

As we search for the Savior in all we do, Christmas won’t be just a day or a season but will be a condition of heart and mind, and the joy and love felt at Christmas will always be near.
