How can I feel more connected to my youth group?
January 2022

“Questions and Answers,” For the Strength of Youth, Jan. 2022.

Questions and Answers

“I don’t have a lot in common with the people in my youth group. How can I feel more connected with them?”

Reach Out to the One

young woman

“I feel more connected with others when I really try to spend time with them individually, not just in group settings. If you want to find someone you get along with, reach out to a person who seems like they need a friend. You might end up benefiting more than them!”

Latyanna P., 17, Singapore

Share Your Interests

young woman

“Most people in my youth group have different things they’re interested in. I like to ask them about their interests because it shows I care about them. Then it gives them a chance to ask about my interests too. Making connections with people takes time—keep at it!”

Erin F., 18, Utah, USA

Find Common Ground

young woman

“If you want to have a closer relationship with your group of friends, find good, meaningful things that you can do together, even if they are very few. You can find a hobby or pastime that you all enjoy. Ask for help from Heavenly Father, and He’ll give you inspiration.”

Carla V., 12, Peru

Appreciate Your Differences

young woman

“The more time I spend with the people in my youth group, the more I love what’s unique about them! I learn how to serve them better, which helps me grow closer to them and to Jesus Christ. We’re all children of our Heavenly Father, so we have more in common than we think.”

Sarah M., 16, Oregon, USA

Try New Things

young man

“Just be friendly and keep talking to them. Keep trying new things to be more inclusive. A boy in our ward doesn’t really like sports, but he always plays with us. Then we do things he’s interested in, like magic tricks or card throwing. Trying new things is a good way to feel connected.”

Jarren M., 17, Nova Scotia, Canada

Be Yourself

“Over time you will probably find things you have in common, but maybe not right away. In the meantime, you can connect over activities and things that happen over the week. Enjoy the activities! Choose to participate, and be yourself!”

Hannah W., 18, Nova Scotia, Canada
