undefined undefined Fun Stop
Fun Stop
February 2022

“Fun Stop,” For the Strength of Youth, Feb. 2022.

Fun Stop

Caption Contest


Does this photo inspire your imagination? We sure hope so, because all it needs is a caption from you to be perfect! Send in your best punch lines (by March 15) to ftsoy@ChurchofJesusChrist.org. Head over to ChurchofJesusChrist.org and search for “Caption Contest” to read hilarious entries from previous contests.

Finish This Phrase!

Here’s a game you can play with friends and family to see how well you know each other. As a bonus, it’s a great way to learn more about each other. You can even add your family’s answers to your family history records!

The game is simple. Each of you reads the beginning of the phrase and then writes down how you think the other person would finish the sentence.

Compare your answers. Whoever gets the most correct answers is the winner.

  1. The most bizarre food I’ve ever eaten was _________________.

  2. My favorite scripture story is _________________.

  3. If I could spend a day with someone who died before I was born, it would be_________________.

  4. I’ve always wanted to travel to _________________.

  5. My favorite game to play as a kid was _________________.

  6. If I could have a superpower and had to choose between flying, super speed, or super intelligence, I would pick _________________.

  7. If I had to describe myself in one word, I would say _________________.

  8. A general conference talk [or some good advice I received] that made a big difference in my life was _________________.

  9. The most unusual gift I’ve ever been given was _________________.

  10. The chore I least like doing and would be happy to try to trade with anybody else is _________________.

  11. My favorite school subject is/was _________________.

  12. The best day of my life was _________________.

  13. The hardest day of my life was _________________.

  14. What got me through the hardest day of my life was _________________.

  15. The thing I thank Heavenly Father for the most in my prayers is _________________.

Dot the Temple

Can you guess what country this temple is in after finishing the puzzle? Hint: It’s the first temple built in the southern hemisphere.

dot-to-dot of temple

Illustration by Josh Talbot


noah’s ark

It’s freezing in here! Who keeps turning this thing down?

Arie Van De Graaff

boy shoveling snow

Wow, son! You really got the walkway shoveled quick! But I thought your little brother was going to help! Where is he?

Ryan Stoker


Dot the Temple: Hamilton New Zealand Temple