undefined undefined Fun Stop
Fun Stop
July 2022

“Fun Stop,” For the Strength of Youth, July 2022.

Fun Stop

Caption Contest

eggs with faces drawn on them

This photo needs your comedic brilliance! Email us your best captions (by July 31) at ftsoy@ChurchofJesusChrist.org. But first, be sure and read some favorite entries from the last contest (published in August 2021).

  • Extreme ministering sisters: “Did you get the cookies we left you?” Jordan J.

  • “Is this where the Chihuahua party is? Firulais invited me.” Jeanett V.

  • “Embarrassing. Don’t tell the cat what happened.” Silvia S.

  • When you hear someone say your name in a conversation. Rochelle K.

  • When the mailman is supposed to drop off For the Strength of Youth. Betty J.

  • “Do I smell bacon?” Amy M.

  • When you have a question but your mom is mad. Emerie K.

  • “It is easier for a bulldog to go through the cat door than it is for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God” (see Matthew 19:23). Ainsley L.

  • All clear. Activate operation “Sneak into Dogfood Warehouse.” Grace L.

  • Primary children peeking into Relief Society when they get out of class early. Brynn M.

  • Trying not to make eye contact when teacher asks, “Who wants to say closing prayer?” Benson S.

  • When you try to squeeze into your favorite shirt from third grade. Paisley S.

  • Lehi: “We are off to the promised land.” Dog: “Can I come?” Noah P.

Trust in God

In a normal Sudoku puzzle, your goal is to fill the 9×9 grid so that each column, each row, and each of the nine 3×3 boxes use the digits from 1 to 9 only once. This time, however, use the following nine words instead of digits. These words are all connected with learning to trust God.










sudoku puzzle



Spelling Test Results Today!

Yeah, as a matter of fact, I was pretty nervous taking the test! Why do you ask?

You misspelled your name.

Ryan Stoker


Trust in God (Sudoku):

sudoku puzzle solution