Having sacrament at home was great. Why would the Lord want us to go back to church?
September 2022

“Having sacrament at home was great. Why would the Lord want us to go back to church?,” For the Strength of Youth, Sept. 2022.

Questions and Answers

“Taking the sacrament at home was great. Why would the Lord want us to go back to church?”

To Be United

“The Lord wants us to go back to church because He wants us to become closer to Him. He also wants us to be united as brothers and sisters. By going to church, we become united, help each other, and show Him our gratitude for all He’s done for us. We also deepen our faith and learn new teachings.”

Melanie M., 13, Mexico

Strength through Numbers

young man

“Sacrament at home was great because it brought the Spirit into our homes and helped us realize that we should bring church into our homes instead of just focusing on it once a week. However, sometimes church at home can make you feel isolated. In-person church is important because it creates strength through numbers.”

Nathan G., 15, Arizona, USA

Build Relationships

young woman

“At church there is a loving environment. There, you can build relationships and bless the lives of others while simultaneously being blessed. Church is also important for building up your knowledge of the gospel. The Lord wants us to preach the gospel to those around us and build up Zion.”

Amelia W., 16, Utah, USA

Be There for Others

young woman

“When the pandemic started, I worried we wouldn’t be able to take the sacrament, but then the bishop let us take it at home! Some people wonder why we should go back to church, but I think we must go back to enlighten others—to talk to or help someone. We must go to church to give our love and share our experiences.”

Tamara M., 17, Mexico

Renew Covenants

young man

“God wants us to go back to church because not everyone has been able to take the sacrament in their homes. My grandpa told me that, as a priesthood holder, I should make sure that everyone has this opportunity. It is important for us to go to church so we can all renew our covenants.”

Esteban M., 16, Argentina
