A Watchman
October 2022

“A Watchman,” For the Strength of Youth, Oct. 2022.

Line upon Line

A Watchman

The prophet Ezekiel learned about one role of a prophet.

young woman

Illustration by Alyssa Tallent

word of the Lord

The Lord’s word comes to prophets in different ways. Sometimes the Lord speaks to them directly. Sometimes He sends angels to deliver His word. Often He speaks to them through the still, small voice of the Holy Spirit.


In ancient times, a watchman stood on a wall or in a tower and looked out for dangers coming from far off, such as enemies on their way to attack a city. The watchman could then warn people so that they could prepare.

The Lord told Ezekiel that a prophet is like a watchman standing on a tower. Because prophets have a holy calling, they are separated from the world and see things from a higher, or more heavenly, point of view. They warn people of spiritual dangers.

house of Israel

When prophets today talk about the house of Israel, they mean the Lord’s people, who have made covenants with Him.


Prophets warn us of spiritual dangers so that we can prepare for them and strengthen ourselves against them. Prophets ask us not to sin and warn us what will happen if we do. They teach us God’s truths and His commandments. Sometimes they may even tell us what will happen in the future so that we can know what’s coming and prepare for it. (See Guide to the Scriptures, “Prophet,” ChurchofJesusChrist.org/scriptures/gs.)
