When Working on Goals Gets Tough
February 2023

“When Working on Goals Gets Tough,” For the Strength of Youth, Feb. 2023.

When Working on Goals Gets Tough

If you set goals and then don’t achieve them, this article is for you.

Have you ever set a goal to start out the new year and felt super motivated to do it . . . for like one day? And then January 3rd comes along and nope. Your goal is out the door. Better to wait until next year and start again. [Side note: Don’t worry. We’ve all been there.] Here are some tips to help you stick to your goals!

Goal-Setting Guide

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    Illustrations by Bárbara Tamilin

    Pray about what to focus on. Heavenly Father knows how you need to improve. Turn to Him! Think about what He would want for you, and pay attention to thoughts or impressions that come to your mind.

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    Choose goals you’re interested in. Work on something you already love, or try something new. Either way, choose something that seems exciting!

  • Set specific goals.

    • Not-so-great goal: Get better at basketball.

    • Great goal: Practice 1,000 free-throws by the end of the month.

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    young woman with clipboard

    Make a plan.

    • Example: I’m going to shoot free-throws for 30 minutes on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays after school. [Side note: Picking a time is way better than just “when I have time,” because let’s be real—you may not take the time unless you make the time.]

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    Grow spiritually, socially, physically, and intellectually. Check out goal ideas in the youth guidebook or at childrenandyouth.ChurchofJesusChrist.org.

  • Figure out your why. [Side note: “Because my mom told me to” might not keep you very motivated.] Why do you want to work on this goal? Will it help you become more like the Savior? Will it help you become the person you want to be?

Are You Too Busy?

You might be already doing it but need to be more consistent: You’re already working on lots of things every day. Now, write down one of those things and how you’re going to improve. Now it’s officially a goal!

Think small: Working on goals doesn’t need to take tons of time. Maybe start by putting aside 5 minutes a day to work on something. [Side note: Trust me on this one. You’ll be way more likely to do it.]

Are Your Goals Too Hard?

Be patient with yourself. Trying and failing and trying again is part of life. If you miss a day, try again tomorrow. You’ve got this!

Pray for help! Heavenly Father knows what you need to do to be able to reach your goal. Trust Him.

Rethink your goal: If you’ve set a goal that’s too hard, try setting a series of small goals that help you get there instead. [Side note: If you want to practice the ukulele every day, maybe start with 15 minutes instead of an hour.]

Goal Hacks

Ideas to help you reach your goals

  • Use your phone. Track your goals using an app on your phone like the Gospel Living app. You could also try changing your phone screensaver or password to the name of your goal to help you remember it.

  • Use your mirror. Tape your goals to your bathroom mirror to help you remember them every time you brush your teeth.

  • Use a jar. When you’re working on a tough goal, write small “wins” on scraps of paper or on popsicle sticks and put them in a jar. When you get discouraged, read about the things that have gone well.

  • Share your goal. Tell someone what you’re working on. Ask them to hold you accountable!
