The Talents
February 2023

“The Talents,” For the Strength of Youth, Feb. 2023.

The Savior’s Parables

The Talents

Matthew 25:14–30

parable of the talents

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What is the parable?

A man gives his three servants talents, or money, according to their abilities.

One servant gets five talents, another gets two talents, and the last gets one talent.

The servant with five used his talents to make a profit, doubling his talents.

The servant with two talents also doubled his.

But the servant who received one talent was so scared to lose it that he hid the money and didn’t work to receive more. The man who provided the money was unhappy with the servant who didn’t even try.

What does it mean?

The Lord has given us talents (gifts or abilities), that can bless our lives and the lives of others. He wants us to improve and increase our talents. If we don’t work to become better and gain other talents, we may lose the talents we’ve been given. But if we faithfully develop the gifts and abilities the Lord has given us, we become more like Him and realize our divine potential.
