undefined undefined When There’s Too Much to Do
When There’s Too Much to Do
July 2023

“When There’s Too Much to Do,” For the Strength of Youth, July 2023.

When There’s Too Much to Do

girl at school


girl running
kids rowing
kids eating
girl running
kids playing volleyball
family eating dinner

Got to go! I have lots of homework. Thanks for dinner!

But we just barely sat down!

girl at computer

The next day …

girl at school and with friends
girl exercising and waving to friend
girl playing chess
girl playing piano
girl thinking

I haven’t finished my math homework or my history paper.

I haven’t seen my family very much.

I’m really tired.

I haven’t read the scriptures or prayed in a while.

I think I need to make some changes.

girl with friend

Hey! Are you coming to chess club today?

No, not today.

sister and brother playing checkers

Good move!