How can I be an example to family members who struggle to live the teachings of Jesus Christ?
July 2023

“How can I be an example to family members who struggle to live the teachings of Jesus Christ?” For the Strength of Youth, July 2023.

Questions and Answers

“How can I be an example to family members who struggle to live the teachings of Jesus Christ?”

Show, Serve, and Share

young woman

“Show your family how living the gospel makes you feel happy. You can serve them and share your experiences with them. You could also invite the missionaries to have a home evening in your home.”

Luciana M., 18, Mendoza, Argentina

Seek to Understand

young woman

“Some of my family members have done some things that are not in line with God’s standards. Try to understand their reasoning for what they’re doing. It doesn’t mean you have to do what they are doing. More importantly, love them no matter what they do or say.”

Melody E., 13, Texas, USA

Follow the Savior

young woman

“I always try to be an example for my family by talking about the teachings of the Church. I always try to mirror Christ in myself. I know that if I follow Him, I will be able to be a good example to my family and help bring the light of Christ into their lives.”

Adalia C., 19, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

Play Uplifting Music

young woman

“I surround myself with good media that brings the Spirit into my home. Playing a hymn on the piano helps me feel joy even when my family members are struggling. Continue to rely on the Savior for joy and peace, even when others around you don’t.”

Lauren B., 14, Maryland, USA

Love Them

“You cannot change your family members’ choices any more than they can change yours, but you can always love them. Christ showed so much love to people that didn’t agree with or even like Him. Everyone is a child of God, and through your love, they can feel Heavenly Father’s love.”

Brooklyn D., 17, Utah, USA

Seek to See as Christ Sees

young man

“Having Christlike love and trying to see beyond their weaknesses can help us understand what they’re going through. Jesus Christ understands each of us perfectly. And we can begin to see and help others as He does if we ask Him to guide us.”

John K., 17, Indiana, USA

Don’t Judge

“I am learning to love them, be kind to them, and to not judge them.”

Logan C., 18, Utah, USA
