For the Strength of Youth
Learn to Liken
February 2024

“Learn to Liken,” For the Strength of Youth, Feb. 2024.

Gospel Basics

Learn to Liken

See how you can teach this method for bringing the scriptures closer to your life.

young man with a book in front of his face

Illustration by Gail Armstrong

What in the world does it mean to “liken” something? Nephi taught that in addition to reading the scriptures to his people, he “did liken all scriptures unto us, that it might be for our profit and learning” (1 Nephi 19:23).

There’s that word: liken. Was that some sort of ancient equivalent of giving a “like” or a thumbs up, the same way we would “like” a funny video online?

Nope. To “liken” something basically means to compare and to think about how it can relate to your own life. And that’s still a great skill to have. Here are a few ideas you can use to help teach your family and friends about this principle.

Time to Teach

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    book and magnifying glass

    Define the word. You can explain in your own words what it means to liken, or you can simply teach that it means to compare the scriptures to your own life.

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    Give an example. Think of a scripture story you enjoy. Now share how this story relates to you today. For example, as you’ll read this month in Come, Follow Me, Nephi had big problems with his brothers Laman and Lemuel. How did he deal with it? What can you learn from him about some of the tougher relationships in your life?

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    Practice together. Ask others to name some of their favorite scriptures or scripture stories. Then, as a group, think how those scriptures can apply to your lives today.

youth in a class

Illustration by Katy Dockrill

When you learn to liken, you realize that the scriptures have incredible lessons for your life right here and now. And that’s worth a “like” any day!
