For the Strength of Youth
I struggle reaching out. How can I make friends with people?
February 2024

“I struggle reaching out. How can I make friends with people?,” For the Strength of Youth, Feb. 2024.

Questions and Answers

“I struggle reaching out. How can I make friends with people?”

It’s a Process

young man

“I have struggled with forming wholesome relationships for most of my life! It’s a learning process. Practice having conversations with an individual or a small group. Ask questions and be curious about getting to know others. People will gravitate toward you when they see your Christlike characteristics.”

Ethan C., 17, Michigan, USA

Participate in Church Activities

young woman

“For me, it is very difficult to make friends or talk with others, but participating in Church activities has helped me. Going to FSY and other camps helped me learn and share more with others both spiritually and socially.”

Caroline S., 14, Santiago, Chile

Pray for Help

young man

“When I went through a major move, I really wanted to make some friends. I prayed for help. When I went to church the next day, everybody was welcoming, and I made many friends. Trust God and have faith.”

Cache D., 13, Missouri, USA

Be an Example

young woman

“Making true friendships is hard to do. But if you have patience, fast, pray, and always turn to the Lord, He will help you be a faithful example. People will then see your light and want to be around you.”

Raquel F., 17, Paraná, Brazil

Sit, Talk, Share

young woman

“I get to know people better by sitting and talking with them. Figure out what their favorite color is, what movies they like to watch, what they like to do, etc. Share things about yourself too. That new kid in your class might eventually become your best friend.”

Rachel S., 11, Utah, USA


“Ask questions. Many people love to talk about themselves. I have learned that if you listen and make the other person feel like they are important and the center of your attention, it really helps strengthen relationships.”

Eleanor B., 13, Kentucky, USA

Christ Can Help

“Always remember that Jesus Christ is your friend and that He wants to help you. Pray for opportunities and the courage to put yourself out there and get to know someone better.”

Connor F., 17, Utah, USA

Don’t Assume

“I felt like the older young women didn’t want to talk to me because I was younger. Then I went to an activity and found out that they did like having me. So just talk to people, because chances are, they probably want to talk to you.”

Lilly L., 12, California, USA
