“Fun Stop,” For the Strength of Youth, Feb. 2024.
Fun Stop
Illustrations by David Klug
Caption Contest
Think you can make everyone laugh? Email your ideas for captions to this photo to ftsoy@ChurchofJesusChrist.org by March 15.
Check out some hilarious entries from the February 2023 caption contest!
“The five certain men in Helaman 9:1–5 trying to be Sherlock.”—Claire S.
“Me trying to figure out who begat who.”—Tylita B.
“When it’s time to upgrade to bigger scriptures.”—Afton H.
“I think I’ll take this small and simple thing and see what great thing will be brought to pass!”—Chase A.
“POV: Your grandma checking if you’ve grown .0001 inches since the last time you visited.”—Anna D.
“Me trying to comprehend Isaiah in seminary at 6 a.m.”—James A.
Hunting with Nephi
Nephi has made a new bow and needs to hunt food for his family (see 1 Nephi 16:18–23). Look at the picture below. Can you help Nephi find these animals?
1 deer
2 sheep
3 ducks
Finding a New Home
Uh, oh! The Lord has warned Nephi to take whoever will go with him and find a new place to live, away from Laman and Lemuel (see 2 Nephi 5:5–8). Can you help Nephi and his group get to safety?
Well, hey! This cruise has a buffet!
Ryan Stoker
Hunting with Nephi
Finding a New Home