For the Strength of Youth
7 Ways to Look unto Christ
January 2025

2025 Youth Theme

7 Ways to Look unto Christ

Try these habits to set your sights on the Savior.

Applying this year’s youth theme—“Look unto Christ”—presents a bit of a challenge. How do you look to someone who isn’t physically present? Start with these seven habits.

sun shining between tall buildings

1. Remember That He’s Not Hiding

Yes, you have to look for Him. But He wants to be found! It’s not a game of hide-and-seek. The Lord is eager to bless you—in fact, it delights Him (see Doctrine and Covenants 41:1). He isn’t looking for reasons to disqualify you. Quite the opposite: He is always seeking to bless you. As Elder Patrick Kearon of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles taught, “No, [the Savior] does not put up roadblocks and barriers; He removes them. He does not keep you out; He welcomes you in. His entire ministry was a living declaration of this intent.”

young woman

2. Acknowledge His Influence in Your Life

The Lord is pleased when we “confess … his hand in all things” (Doctrine and Covenants 59:21). So be sure to acknowledge His influence in your life! Thank Him when things go well for you and seek peace and understanding when they don’t.

heart shape

3. Be Grateful for What You Have

Along with acknowledging the Lord’s influence in your life, it’s also important to feel—and show—gratitude. You may not physically “see” the Savior, but you can see His blessings in your life! Elder Gary B. Sabin of the Seventy said, “You will never be happier than you are grateful.” Thank the Lord daily for your blessings. When you’re feeling down, follow the advice of the old hymn: “Count your many blessings; name them one by one, and it will surprise you what the Lord has done.”

young man praying

4. Pray Every Day

You’ll be better able to “see” the Savior throughout the day if you start by talking to Heavenly Father. Ask Him to help you remember the Savior and notice His influence in your life. You can pray as often as you want during the day. And before bed, pray again to tell Heavenly Father how things went. He never gets tired of hearing from you!

young woman reading scriptures

5. Memorize Scriptures and Hymns

One way to keep your thoughts focused on Jesus Christ is to have the words to a favorite scripture or the lyrics to an uplifting song filed away in your memory. Practice remembering them when you feel negative thoughts creeping in. Often just recalling (and silently singing) the title of a hymn might be enough to redirect your thoughts: “I am a child of God.” “I need Thee every hour.” “Be still, my soul.”

Jesus Christ

6. Look at Images of the Savior

Find some artistic depictions of the Savior that you like, and then put them where you will see them often. Some places might include your bedroom wall, your bathroom mirror, your school locker, or as a background on your computer or the home screen on your phone.


7. Look at the World around You

It’s beautiful! And the Savior made it for you (see Doctrine and Covenants 14:9)! There’s no reason we know of that the earth had to be lovely. Maybe we could have spent mortality in a world that was flat, square, and gray. Instead the Savior created a world “for the benefit and the use of man, both to please the eye and to gladden the heart” (Doctrine and Covenants 59:18). In other words, the earth is beautiful because beautiful things make us feel good. If you want to remember the Savior, just look around.