For the Strength of Youth
Choosing the Temple
January 2025

Youth Voices

Choosing the Temple

Iris R., age 18, Sal, Cape Verde

Loves hand lettering, creating art pieces, and cooking.

young woman

The temple closest to me is located on another island. To get there, we have to take a 45-minute flight or a 12-hour boat ride. I had never been to the temple before, and in my last year of school, my mom made plans for us to go. She had saved money for a year so my family could go together.

Unfortunately, we would return home after the start of school, which worried me. It was always important for me to have a good grade point average (GPA) in school so I could receive a scholarship for college. I considered not going to the temple, because the absences could harm my final GPA. Then my mom said, “Why don’t you pray and ask for the Lord’s help?”

I was a little reluctant because I was afraid, but I decided to pray. Heavenly Father guided me, and I chose to go to the temple. For the entire week we were there, we went to the temple every day. It was amazing! Doing baptisms was an incredible experience; I could feel the Spirit very strongly.

In the end, I managed to finish school with a good GPA. Maintaining a close relationship with the Savior helped me have hope during that time. I knew He was with me, giving me strength. The Lord is aware of our efforts, and when we put things in His hands, we can trust that everything will be fine.

I’m so grateful that my sister had the courage to invite the missionaries to our home. She and I were the first ones in our family to be baptized—I was 13 and she was 15. I know I am a beloved child of our Heavenly Father. My earthly father was never present in my life, but it helps me to know that we have a Heavenly Father and that I am created in His image. I feel His love for me; I know that in the most difficult moments, He is by my side.