For the Strength of Youth
How can I gain a stronger testimony of Joseph Smith and the Restoration?
January 2025

Questions and Answers

“How can I gain a stronger testimony of Joseph Smith and the Restoration?”

young woman

“Something I’ve done to strengthen my testimony of the Restoration is to read the account of the first vision every night before bed. When I read about Joseph being delivered and standing in God’s presence, I feel closer to God’s light, and that helps me know He is there.”

Eve T., 16, Chorley, UK

young woman

“When I realized that I didn’t have a testimony of Joseph Smith, I began to read Saints. I realized how powerful and miraculous Joseph’s experience was. I also felt the Spirit with me when I prayed about the Book of Mormon. I started helping the missionaries, and now I can’t stop testifying to people about Joseph Smith and the Restoration.”

Abish N., 18, Negros Oriental, Philippines

young man

“The prophet told us to study Christ’s life to help us gain a testimony of Him and His Atonement. It’s similar with Joseph Smith. As I study his life, I can gain a stronger testimony of the Restoration and of Joseph as the first prophet of our dispensation. I can also better understand why the Church of Jesus Christ had to be restored.”

Asher W., 17, Louisiana, USA

young woman

“Do what Joseph did and ask God! Be patient; the answer will come.”

Anna W., 17, Colorado, USA

young man

“Prayer is the simplest way to gain a testimony of Joseph Smith and the Restoration. The Lord has answered this prayer for myself and for many others—he’ll do the same for you. Also, study the powerful testimonies of the witnesses in the Book of Mormon.”

Andrew N., 18, Washington, USA