Eprōļ 2011 Mwen̄an eo an Jibbon̄ in Jādede Mwen̄an eo an Jibbon̄ in Jādede Thomas S. MonsonIt’s Conference Once Again L. Tom PerryThe Sabbath and the Sacrament Jean A. StevensBecome as a Little Child Walter F. GonzálezFollowers of Christ Kent F. RichardsThe Atonement Covers All Pain Quentin L. CookLDS Women Are Incredible! Henry B. EyringOpportunities to Do Good Mwen̄an eo an Ālkin Rālep in Jādede Mwen̄an eo an Ālkin Rālep in Jādede Dieter F. UchtdorfRejtake eo an Ritōl ro an Kabun̄ in Robert W. CantwellChurch Auditing Department Report, 2010 Brook P. HalesStatistical Report, 2010 Boyd K. PackerGuided by the Holy Spirit Russell M. NelsonFace the Future with Faith Richard J. MaynesEstablishing a Christ-Centered Home Cecil O. Samuelson Jr.Testimony Dallin H. OaksIkdeleelN̄an bōk mejān kajjik eo ad indeeo, jenaaj kōņaan im jerbal kōn m̧wil ko remenin aikuj n̄an erom̧ juon armej indeeo. M. Russell BallardFinding Joy through Loving Service Mwen̄an eo an Priesthood Mwen̄an eo an Priesthood Neil L. AndersenPreparing the World for the Second Coming Steven E. SnowKōjatdikdik Larry M. GibsonSacred Keys of the Aaronic Priesthood Dieter F. UchtdorfYour Potential, Your Privilege Henry B. EyringLearning in the Priesthood Thomas S. MonsonPriesthood Power Mwen̄an eo an Jibbon̄ in Jabōt Mwen̄an eo an Jibbon̄ in Jabōt Dieter F. UchtdorfWaiting on the Road to Damascus Paul V. JohnsonMore Than Conquerors through Him That Loved Us H. David BurtonThe Sanctifying Work of Welfare Silvia H. AllredThe Essence of Discipleship David A. BednarThe Spirit of Revelation Thomas S. MonsonThe Holy Temple—a Beacon to the World Mwen̄an eo an Ālkin Rālep in Jabōt Mwen̄an eo an Ālkin Rālep in Jabōt Richard G. ScottThe Eternal Blessings of Marriage D. Todd Christofferson“As Many as I Love, I Rebuke and Chasten” Carl B. PrattThe Lord’s Richest Blessings Lynn G. RobbinsWhat Manner of Men and Women Ought Ye to Be? Benjamín De HoyosCalled to Be Saints C. Scott GrowThe Miracle of the Atonement Jeffrey R. HollandAn Ensign to the Nations Thomas S. MonsonAt Parting Kweiļo̧k eo Eļap an Doulul eo an Jiron̄ Ro Kweiļo̧k eo Eļap an Doulul eo an Jiron̄ Ro Ann M. DibbI Believe in Being Honest and True Mary N. Cook“Remember This: Kindness Begins with Me” Elaine S. DaltonGuardians of Virtue Henry B. EyringA Living Testimony