General Conference
Fithingnan Fare Galasia E Dabiyoeg Ningan Thilyeg
October 2021 General Conference

Fithingnan Fare Galasia E Dabiyoeg Ningan Thilyeg

Nap’an gadad ba fol fare thin ku Somoel ni ke yib ko pi profets ni ba fas, nap’an ni gadad ba adag, u fithik e sobutan’ nge maligach, fare Somoel ba pi’ ngodad e gelngin nib thothup.

Nap’an e mo’olung ni fan e press ko August 16,2018, President Russell M. Nelson ke yoeg: “Somoel ke pi’ e thamtham nga laniyaen’ug fatin ga’fan ko fare fithingan ni Ke kunuy nge pi’ ko Galasia Rok, arragon fare Galasia ku Yesus Kristus ni fan e Girdi’ en Got ko Tin Tomur e Rran.1 Bay e murwel rodad thingar ningad rrin’ed ningad ta’abrogon daed ko Laniyaen’.”2

Tomuren la’agruw e rran, ko August 18, Kug milekag ko President Nelson u Montreal, Canada. Tomuren e mo’olung ni fan e chongin u lane fare Palais de Congrés ni falal’, President Nelson ke fuleweg ko e duwer ko pi reporter. Ke yoeg ni “gathi moem ningan [sulweg e fithingan ko Galasia, nge] ta’leg e yalen ni ke buch ko ra’ay e duw.” Machane ke yoeg, “Fithingnan fare Galasia e dabiyoeg ningan thilyeg.”3

Tomuren medlip e week, President Nelson ke non nap’an e general conference: “Somoel ke pi’ e thamtham nga laniyaen’ug fatin ga’fan ko fare fithingan ni Ke kunuy nge pi’ ko Galasia Rok, arragon fare Galasia ku Yesus Kristus nifan e Gidii’ en Got ko tin Tomur e Rran. … Fare Tathapeg ni Ke yoeg, ‘Aray fithingan ningan kunuy nge pi’ ko galasia rok.’ Me yoeg biyay, “Fithingnan fare Galasia e dabiyoeg ningan thilyeg.”4

E Duwer nib Fel’

Keb e duwer nib fel’: “Mang fan chiney?” tomuren bo’or e duw ni kad thapeged fare fithingan ni “Mormon”? “Fare Mormon Tabernacle Choir,” fare kachidow ko “I gag e Mormon,” fare tang ko primary ni “I gag e Pagal nib Mormon”?

Fare machib rok Kristus darma thilyeg nra thamgiliy nib manemus. Machane, nra dag e tin ga’ fan ko muruweliy Somoel nap’an bay yib e ngiyal’ nib fel’. Biney e kadbul President Nels ke yoeg, “Fare Sulyarmen e ba murwel nib ul’ul’, gathi kemus nta’ab biyay.”5 Fare Somoel ke yoeg, “Urngin e ban’en thingari buch u ningyal’ roraed.”6 Chingyal’ ningad sulweged fare fithningan kan pi’ ko fare Galasia.

Tin ni ngan buch ngak fare Galasia ku Yesus Kristus ni fan e Girdi’ en Got ko Tin Tomur e Rran ma t’uf ni ngad ogned marunga’agen fare galasia rogon ni kan tunguy ngay’. Kug fini waen nga Kirtland, Ohio, aram fare Profet Joseph Smith, ko boech e chongin e Galasia, ke profesy nag, “Fare Galasia ra yaen nga Leelu’uch nga Yimuch u Merikan—nra sug fare fayelng.”7 Fare Somoel ke weliy fan e muruwel ko re ngiyal’ ney ni’ir “e muruwel nib fel’ mab gin’ rogon.”8 Ke weliy fan e “m’ag [nra] mugu’uliy nga lan tin tomur e rran,” nra “ga’angin yang … e fayleng [ni ngan] tawath nag.”9

Fapi thin ko conference ney e ba pilyeg ko 55 e thin riy’. Ngan, rung’ag ngan bi’eg fapi thin ney ko 98 e thin ko nam ko 220 e nam nge binaw.

Bin Magid e Wub

Nap’an fare tathapeg ra sulweg ufithik e gel bugwaen nge fel’ngin, fapi chongin ko fare Galasia ku Yesus Kristus ni fan e Gidii’en Got ko Tin Tomur e Rran ra paer ko urngin e nam, urngin e girdi’, urngin mit e nii’, urngin e thin, nge urngin e yalen ko fayleng.

Fare gelngin ko fare Galasia

Fa tin falal’ ko fare Galasia ku Yesus Kristus kan sulweg dakimus ni fan e chongin fare Galasia. Udakaen fapi ma’ang’ang ko tharmiy u tin e rran rodad, fapi babyor nib thothup kan sulweg ko fayleng, nge fare taw’ath nib ga’ ni fare Kan Thothup, gadadra mang woed e magal nga dakaen e burey nap’an e gidii’ dar michgaed ko Yesus Kristus nra lumor nag e fayleng. Arragon boech e girdi’ ra pag re fayleng ninge kireb nag e mich roraed ko fare Tathapeg, machane gadad gubin, darma chuw [gaed] ko tafedad.10 Gidii’ ni Kristiano ni yaed gathi chongin ra falflaen’gaed ni fan e murwel nge m’ag rodad ngak Kristus. Arragon fapi Kristiano ni yaed ba fek ya thin ngodaed chiney ni yaed ra thap daed ko fagar. Nap’an fapi rran ni bay yib, ngan pinningdaed ko fare fithingan Yesus Kristus.

Gamaed ba pinning a magaer ngom ni fan e murwel rom ningam ga’ nag fa bin riyul’ e fithingan ko Galasia. Ulane fare conference nem delip e duw u faram, President Nelson ke micheg ngodad “ni tiyaen’um ningam mog fa bin riyul’ e fithingan ko fare Galasia rok en Tathapeg … nra ga’nag e mich nge gelngin nib thothup ngay.”11

Fare micheg ney kan thapeg bo’or e gachalpen nib yul’yul’ ulongob e fayleng.12

Brother Lauri Ahola nu ngek ko United Stated ke yoeg boech e ngiyal’ ke wagaey ninge pi’ fa bin falal’ e fithingan ko Galasia Machane bay e fanow ko profet, ere ma athamgily. Reb e ningyal, nap’an ke mada’ nag e fagar u reb e Galasia ko reb e tiliw. Ba’aray e thin rok:

E fagar ke fith, “I gur e Mormon?”

“‘I gag e chongin ko fare Galasia ku Yesus Kristus ni fan e Gidii’en Got ko Tin Tomur e Rran, arragon,’ Kug goeg. Ke tabab ninge fith boech e duwer ngog, ke tabab urngin e duwer ko: ’Girdi’ ko fare Galasia ko Mormon ba michuwaen … ?’ Ma urngin e yay, Kug tabab e fulweg rog ko fapi thin ni: ’Ulan fare Galasia rok [Yesus] Kristus kan sulweg, gamaedba michuwaen …’

“… Nap’an ke guy ni dab gu thapeg fare fithingan ko ‘Mormon,’ ke fith ngog, “I gur e Mormon fa danga’?’

“Ere Kug fith ngak fa’an irma nang mini’ Mormon—de nang. Kug fil ngak ni Mormon i’ir e profet … [ma Kug] falflaen’ ni bay e tha’ romow [ngak].

“‘Machane,’ Kug goeg, ‘Mormon daki yim’ ni fan e denen rog. Mormon daki … gafgow u Gethsemane fa yim’ nga dakaen fare kruuth [ni fan ngog]. … Yesus Kristus i’ir e Got rog nge Tathapeg rog. … Ma guba a’dag ningan pinningeg ko fithingan.’ …

“… Tomuren chingyal’, [ke yoeg], ‘Ere, I gur e Kristiano!’”13

President Nelson u general conference

Gabe pugurran fapi thin rok President Nelson? “Gu micheg ngomed ni fa’anra gadaed ra athamgil ni ngad fulwegned e bin riyul’ e fithngan e Galasia rok Somoel, ma ra pu’og nga buut gelngin nge tawa’ath Rok nga dakean loelgen e Gidii’en Got ko Tin Tomur e Rran, ni daworun guyed bi’id.”14

Fare Somoel ra Bing a Kanaow Gubin Ngiyal

Fare Somoel Rin ni Ke Michey Gubin Ngiyal Fare Somoel ra fal’eg e wo’en ngodaed ningad rrin’ed e murwel Rok.

Ko bo’or e duw gamaed ba’adag ningu chuwiyed fare internet domain site nge Dabiyoeg ningan chuwiyed. Chu’chugur ko ngiyal’ ni kan non ngodad President Nelson amrogon, yow mrayog ni ngan chuwiyed romad. Ba ma’ang’ang.15

E ayuw rok Somoel make ga’ nag e murwel rodaed ningad thilyeg bo’or e fithingan ko Galasia ke thamgiliy ko n’uw nap’an.

Fithingan e Mormon Tabernacle Choir kan thilyeg ko Fare Tabernacle Choir u Temple Square. Fare website, ni ke thapeg 21 million urnign e pul, kan thilyeg ko LDS Business College kan thilyeg ko Ensign College. Fare website kan thiliyeg ngak Biyu’ e ban’en ni bay e fithingan ko “Mormon” fa “LDS” kan thilyeg e fithingan roraed. Girdi’en Got ko tin tomur e rran kan thilyeg fitingan ko pi website, podcast, nge Twitter account ngay’.

Be’ech e pow ko Galasia

Kan yarimy pow nib be’ech ni fan e Galasia ni kenginn riy’ e Yesus Kristus.

“Lukngun fare pow e bay e bay boechi malang ni be yip’ fan Thorvaldsen ni ya’an Christus. Be dag ya’an fare foskoyam’, Somoel nib fos e be ki’iyag pa’ ninge tu’ufeg e pi’in ni ra yib Ngak.

“I’ir e pow, Yesus Kristus ba sak’iy utangin e arch [nib pugurran] daed ko fare Tathapeg nibe yib nga wuru’ e tafen e yam’.”17

Fithingan Galasia u fapi Thin ko Nam
Fithingan Galasia u fapi boech Thin ko Nam

Fare Galasia ko Yesus Kristus ni fan e Gidii’en Got ko Tin Tomur e rran kan thilyeg e fithingan ko 50 e thin ko nam. Pi domain name e kan chu’uwiy u bang ko fayleng.

Magar ko Ayuw rok Giddi

Kug pinning e magaer ni fan urngin e girdi’ nib fel’ ni kar thapeged e fanow romaed ningar ngongoliyed fare bin riyul’ e fithingan. Kug bi’eg e babyor de’ n’uw nap’an ni kan yoloey e Catholic cardinal marunga’agen pi “Gidii’en Got ko Tin Tomur e Rran.”18 Nap’an kug mada’nag reb e tapowiy’ ko e galasia nib Kristiano u ngek e United States, ke yoeg e fithningan e Galasia nib polo’, me yoeg, “Fare Galasia ku Yesus Kristus.”

Gamaed ma nang wi’in kug ngongoliy nel’ e thin ko fithingan ni dabun e media, machane President Nelson ke yoeg, “media nib falal’ ra nang fan e laniyaen’maed ni yaed ra rrin’ e tin gamaed ba fith ngoraed.”19 Kammagaer gaed ni fan e ayuw ni gamedba pi’ ngak urngin e yalen, athletic, political, fa yarmiy ko binaw ningam ngongoliy e fithingan ni gamaedba’adag.

Bay boech e girdi’, ni yaed ba’adag ningar dariy’ fan nag e murwel rodad, ni yaed ba athamily ningar kunuyed me pi’ed ngodaed, “Fapi Mormon” fa “fare Galasia ku Mormon.” Udakaen e liyoer, gadad ba fith biyay ngak fapi girdi’ ko media nib falal’ ningar thapeged e tin gadad ba’adg ningar ngongoliyed e fithingandaed ko 200 e duw.

Fare gel ko fare Gidii’en ku Got ko Tin Tomur e Rran

Bay yo’or i biyu’ e Gidii’en Got ko Tin Tomur e Rran ni yaedma ngongoliy fa bin falal’ e fithingan ko Galasia. Nap’an gadad ra rrin’ e murwel rodad, reb e girdi’ ra folgaed. Gube a’dag e yar ney ko Tahiti.

Iriura Jean ni bay ragag e duw rok ke fal’eg laniyaen’ ninge fol e fanow ko President Nelson.

“Ulan e class ko skuul rok kar weliy’ed marunga’gen e weekend … nge Iriura ke non marunga’gen … galasia.

“Sensei rok, Vaite Pifao, ke yoeg, ‘Oh, ere gure e Mormon?’

“Iruira ke fulweg nib midil, ‘Danga … I gag e chongin ko Fare Galasia ku Yesus Kristus ni fan e Gidii’en Got ko Tin Tomur e Rran!’

“Sensei rok ke fulweg ‘Arragon … i gur e Mormon.’

“Iriura ke yoeg, ‘Danga’ sensei, I gag e chongin ko Fare Galasia ku Yesus Kristus ni fan e Gidii’en Got ko Tin Tomur e Rran!’

“Ms. Pifao ke balyangaen’ ko laniyaen’ Iriura ma ke lemnag mang fan ba t’uf ninge yoeg [fare] fithingan nib polo’ ko galasia rok. [Ke mel’eg ni ngan fil yug boech ko fare Galasia.]

“[Tabuch, nap’an Sister] Vaite Pifao ke tawfe [ke yoeg e magaer] ngak Iriura ni ke fol e fanow rok President Nelson.”20

Sister ni ke fil mornga’agen fare Galasia bachane student rok

“Fithingnan fare Galasia e dabiyoeg ningan thilyeg.” Ngad dared u fithik e mich. Nap’an gadad ba fol fare thin ku Somoel ni ke yib ko pi profets ni ba fas, nap’an ni gadad ba adag, u fithik e sobutan’ nge maligach, fare Somoel ba pi’ ngodad e gelngin nib thothup nge pi’ e pi angel Rok ngodad nge sak’ig dad.21 Bay yib e micheg rok Somoel

Mich u wun’ug ni kug guy nga owcheg fare gelngin e yi’iy nibe yib nga dakan fare profet nib t’uf rodad, President Russell M. Nelson. Yigo’ e t’uf rok ninge ayuweg Somoel me taw’ath nag fapi bitir rok Chitamangdaed nu Tharmiy. Kug guy pin’en nib thothup, ma ere nggog nib t’uf rok ngak Somoel. I’ir fare profet rok’ Got.

Gube pi’ e m’ag ni Yesus Krsitus, i’ir e Fak Got. U dakean fithngan Yesus Kristus, amen.

Babyoren e Ayuw

  1. Muguy 3 Nephi 27:7–9; Doctrine and Covenants 115:4.

  2. Russell M. Nelson, in “The Name of the Church,” Newsroom, Aug. 16, 2018,

  3. President Nelson Discusses the Name of the Church,” Newsroom, Aug. 21, 2018,

  4. Russell M. Nelson, “The Correct Name of the Church,” Liahona, Nov. 2018, 87.

  5. Russell M. Nelson, “The Temple and Your Spiritual Foundation,” Liahona, Nov. 2021, 116.

  6. Muguy Doctrine and Covenants 64:32.

  7. Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Joseph Smith (2007), 137.

  8. 2 Nephi 27:26.

  9. 1 Nephi 15:18.

  10. Muguy Doctrine and Covenants 101:17.

  11. Russell M. Nelson, “Becoming Exemplary Latter-day Saints,” Liahona, Nov. 2018, 114.

  12. See Henry B. Eyring, “Thus Shall My Church Be Called,” Liahona, Oct. 2021, 6–9.

  13. Lauri Ahola, “Using the Full Name of the Church Was Awkward but Worth It” (digital-only article), Liahona, Apr. 2020,

  14. Russell M. Nelson, “The Correct Name of the Church,” 89.

  15. Ulung ko Intellectual Property ko fare Galasia ke guy fare domain bang ko 2006, ma dabiyoeg ni ngan chuwi’iy. Ke rib gin’ ni kan pii’ ni ngan chuway chirofen ni ke yoeg President Nelson, nge fare Galasia ke chuwi’iy fare fithingan udakaen bin dalip e ulung ko pulwon’ ni de tolang.

    Amrogon fare Galasia ke tabab ni nge chuwi’iy fare fithingan ba’ ko 2011. Rib mangil ni kan chuway amrogon u August 2018, ma kan chuwi’iy.

  16. U October 2018 general conference, me yoeg President Nelson:

    Pi walageg, bo’or e thin ku gidii’ nibe togopluw ni ngad sulwegned bin riyul’ e fithingan e Galasia. Bachan e ngiyal’ nib digital ko re faylen gni gadadma paer riy’ nge nibe un ngay search engine optimization ngay nibe ayuwegdad piriegned urngin e tin ni gadadma ba’adag mrib papay—nibe un ngay lowan’ marunga’agen Galasia rok Somoel—ma yoeg bo’or e gidii’ ni thiliyeg e chiney e dani fel’. …

    “ … ku micheg ni fa’anra gadaed ra “athamgil ni ngad fulwegned e bin riyul’ e fithngan e Galasia rok Somoel,” ma ra “pu’og nga but gelngin nge tawa’ath Rok nga dakean loelgen e Gidii’en Got ko Tin Tomur e Rran” (”The Correct Name of the Church,” 88, 89).

    Tomuren ke thiliyeg ko, gelingin e fithingan (gelingin nge matawon ni ngan paer nib som’on ko search engine) e ga’ ko ngiyal’ kafram. Susun, fare home page e chiney, ma ba ko reb e duw riy’, bin ga’ e search result u Mariken ko Google napan i search nag bee’ fare thin “church,” ma kafram e dangay.

  17. Russell M. Nelson, “Opening the Heavens for Help,” Liahona, May 2020, 73.

  18. Muguy “‘If We Can’t Get Along, It’s Downright Sinful’: The Partnership between Catholics and Latter-day Saints,” Deseret News, July 1, 2021,

  19. Russell M. Nelson, “The Correct Name of the Church,” 89.

  20. The Correct Name of the Church: A Tahitian Story,” Pacific Newsroom, Sept. 15, 2019,

  21. Muguy Doctrine and Covenants 84:88.
