undefined undefined Doctrine and Covenants Historical Resources: Oliver Granger
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Doctrine and Covenants Historical Resources: Oliver Granger

Doctrine and Covenants Historical Resources: Oliver Granger, Doctrine and Covenants Historical Resources (2025)

Oliver Granger, Doctrine and Covenants Historical Resources (2025)

Oliver Granger


Oliver Granger was born in Phelps, New York. He married Lydia Dibble in 1813. In 1827 he became partially blind, a condition that lasted until the end of his life. He was baptized into The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and ordained an elder by Brigham and Joseph Young around 1832 or 1833, after which he moved to Kirtland, Ohio. Sometime between 1833 and 1836, Granger served a mission to the eastern United States. In 1836 he was ordained a high priest and then served a mission to New York. He was appointed to the Kirtland high council in 1837. The next year, he was assigned to settle Joseph Smith’s business affairs in Kirtland. He left Kirtland for Far West, Missouri, in June 1838, possibly to confer with others there about those affairs. In July 1838, Granger was directed by revelation to continue to settle the First Presidency’s affairs in Kirtland (Doctrine and Covenants 117:12–15). He returned to Kirtland to do so and then acted as an agent in securing lands in Lee County, Iowa Territory. Granger was appointed to preside over the Church in Kirtland in 1839. He died at Kirtland in 1841.

References in the Doctrine and Covenants

Doctrine and Covenants 117