Church History
Doctrine and Covenants 30–36

Doctrine and Covenants Historical Resources: Doctrine and Covenants 30–36, Doctrine and Covenants Historical Resources (2020)

Doctrine and Covenants 30–36, Doctrine and Covenants Historical Resources

Doctrine and Covenants 30–36

Painting of a farmhouse in a field.

Al Rounds, Peter Sr. and Mary Musselman Whitmer Home, 1984, watercolor.


Historical background and the earliest manuscript of each revelation, as published in The Joseph Smith Papers

Revelation, September 1830–C [D&C 30:1–4]

The revelation to David Whitmer featured here, as well as the two that follow (directed to Peter Whitmer Jr. and John Whitmer, respectively), originated during the second conference of the Church of Christ, held in Fayette, New York, in late September 1830. More …

Revelation, September 1830–D [D&C 30:5–8]

In June 1829, Peter Whitmer Jr. was baptized and told in a revelation that “the thing which will be of the most worth unto you, will be to declare repentance unto this people.” More …

Revelation, September 1830–E [D&C 30:9–11]

This revelation for John Whitmer originated, like the two that precede it, at the second conference of the Church of Christ, which was held in Fayette, New York, in late September 1830. More …

Revelation, September 1830–F [D&C 31]

According to his history, Joseph Smith dictated this revelation for Thomas B. Marsh during the 26 September 1830 conference. More …

Revelation, October 1830–A [D&C 32]

After Oliver Cowdery and Peter Whitmer Jr. were called on a mission to preach to the American Indians in September 1830, several other elders expressed a desire to see the fulfillment of God’s purposes among “the remnants of the house of Joseph—the Lamanites residing in the west.” More …

Revelation, October 1830–B [D&C 33]

Joseph Smith dictated this revelation for Ezra Thayer and Northrop Sweet in early October 1830, within a month of their baptisms in the Church of Christ. More …

Revelation, 4 November 1830 [D&C 34]

Orson Pratt was baptized by his older brother Parley on 19 September 1830, Orson’s nineteenth birthday, in Canaan, New York. More …

Revelation, 7 December 1830 [D&C 35]

The conversion of Sidney Rigdon and others in northeastern Ohio in fall 1830 transformed the new Church of Christ geographically and demographically. More …

Revelation, 9 December 1830 [D&C 36]

This revelation was dictated for Edward Partridge, an Ohioan who had come to New York to meet Joseph Smith. Partridge, a hatter living in Painesville, Ohio, and his wife, Lydia, were members of Sidney Rigdon’s reformed Baptist congregation. More …


Biographical facts and historical images of individuals associated with the revelations

Historical Background

Conference Minutes, 26 September 1830

Minutes of the second Conference held by the Elders of this Church according to adjournment. More …

Revelations in Context

Essays on the background of each revelation

A Mission to the Lamanites

D&C 28, 30, 32

Early converts expressed “a great desire” respecting “the remnants of the house of Joseph—the Lamanites residing in the west.” More …

The Faith and Fall of Thomas Marsh

D&C 31, 112

During the second conference of the Church, Joseph Smith received revelations for four individuals, including one for Thomas Marsh. More …

Ezra Thayer: From Skeptic to Believer

D&C 33

Earlier that year, some of the workmen Ezra Thayer employed told him of rumors circulating about Joseph Smith and his translation of the Book of Mormon. More …

Orson Pratt’s Call to Serve

D&C 34

Orson Pratt was an inquisitive, seeking child. He recalled that at an early age he “had many serious impressions in regard to God and a future state.” More …

“Go to the Ohio”

D&C 35, 36, 37, 38

Sidney Rigdon and Edward Partridge met Joseph in New York in early December 1830, and Rigdon was soon “desirous to have the Seer enquire of the Lord, to know what the will of the Lord was concerning him.” More …

Saints: The Story of the Church of Jesus Christ in the Latter Days

Narrative history of events surrounding the revelations

Volume 1, Chapter 9:

Come Life or Come Death

Hiram Page, one of the Eight Witnesses and a teacher in the Aaronic Priesthood, had started to seek revelations for the Church through what he thought was a seer stone. More …

Volume 1, Chapter 10:

Gathered In

As the missionaries traveled west, Sidney Rigdon traveled east with his friend Edward Partridge, a thirty-seven-year-old hatmaker from his congregation. More …

Church History Topics

Essays on subjects related to the revelations.

American Indians

The Book of Mormon was published the same year the Indian Removal Act passed. It gave Church members a different perspective on the past history and future destiny of American Indians. More …

Early Missionaries

Even before the organization of the Church in 1830, the Lord commanded Latter-day Saints to take the restored gospel to the world. More …

Joseph Smith Translation of the Bible

While translating the Book of Mormon, Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery found they held different views on the meaning of a passage in the Bible. More …

Lamanite Identity

The Book of Mormon recounts the history of two peoples, the Nephites and the Lamanites, who lived in almost constant religious and political conflict for centuries. More …


Conference: A meeting where ecclesiastical officers and other church members could conduct church business. More …

Ordain: The conferral of power and authority; to appoint, decree, or set apart. More …

Translate: To produce a text from one written in another language; in Joseph Smith’s usage, most often through divine means. More …


Maps and information about places associated with the revelations from The Joseph Smith Papers, Historic Sites, and other helpful sources


Timeline placing each revelation in the context of key events in the Church’s first century

View the chronology …
