Church History
Doctrine and Covenants 129–132

Doctrine and Covenants Historical Resources: Doctrine and Covenants 129–132, Doctrine and Covenants Historical Resources (2020)

Doctrine and Covenants 129–132, Doctrine and Covenants Historical Resources

Doctrine and Covenants 129–132

Red brick building with white trim.

Joseph Smith’s store, Nauvoo, Illinois, USA, was a general store, a tithing office, and the site of the Prophet’s office where he dictated a revelation on marriage in July 1843 that was later canonized as section 132 of the Doctrine and Covenants.


Historical background and the earliest manuscript of each revelation, as published in The Joseph Smith Papers

Instruction, 9 February 1843 [D&C 129]

On 9 February 1843, Joseph Smith delivered an instruction to guests he was entertaining at his home in Nauvoo, Illinois. More …

Instruction, 2 April 1843 [D&C 130]

On 2 April 1843, Joseph Smith responded to questions and instructed the Saints in Macedonia, Illinois, about the nature of God, prophecies of the last days, and the afterlife. More …

Instruction, 16 May 1843; Discourse 17 May 1843 [D&C 131]

On 16 May 1843 at the residence of Benjamin F. Johnson in Macedonia, Illinois, Joseph Smith instructed William Clayton, Johnson, and Melissa LeBaron Johnson, Benjamin’s wife, “on the priesthood.” More …

Revelation, 12 July 1843 [D&C 132]

On 12 July 1843, Joseph Smith dictated a revelation in Nauvoo, Illinois, on eternal and plural marriage. More …


Biographical facts and historical images of individuals associated with the revelations

Historical Background

Revelations in Context

Essays on the background of each revelation

“Our Hearts Rejoiced to Hear Him Speak”

D&C 129, 130, 131

William Clayton walked the last nine miles to Nauvoo. The boat he and his company had taken down the Mississippi toward their new home had stopped short of Nauvoo for the night. More …

Mercy Thompson and the Revelation on Marriage

D&C 132

Robert Thompson was in the prime of life when he passed away unexpectedly in the fall of 1841, a victim of the malarial fevers that laid low so many Latter-day Saints in the mosquito-ridden swamplands on the banks of the Mississippi River. More …

Saints: The Story of the Church of Jesus Christ in the Latter Days

Narrative history of events surrounding the revelations

Volume 1, Chapter 36

Incline Them to Gather

As much as Joseph welcomed a time of goodwill and peace in Nauvoo, however, he knew the Lord expected him to obey all His commandments. More …

Volume 1, Chapter 40

United in an Everlasting Covenant

When Joseph returned to Nauvoo on January 10, 1843, friends and relatives flocked to his house to congratulate him. More …

Volume 1, Chapter 41

God Must Be the Judge

William Clayton was in Joseph’s office when the prophet and Hyrum entered. “If you will write the revelation,” Hyrum told Joseph, “I will take and read it to Emma, and I believe I can convince her of its truth, and you will hereafter have peace.” More …

Volume 1, Chapter 42

Round Up Your Shoulders

In early November 1843, Phebe Woodruff welcomed Wilford home from a four-month mission to the eastern states. More …

Church History Topics

Essays on subjects related to the revelations

Anointed Quorum (“Holy Order”)

On May 4, 1842, Joseph Smith introduced the temple endowment to a group of nine close associates in an upper room of his Nauvoo store. More …

Joseph Smith and Plural Marriage

Latter-day Saints believe that monogamy—the marriage of one man and one woman—is the Lord’s standing law of marriage. More …


Latter-day Saints believe that God has restored to the earth the power given to the ancient Apostle Peter to bind, or seal, on earth and in heaven. More …

Temple Endowment

In 1841, the Lord commanded the Saints in Nauvoo to build a temple “that I may reveal mine ordinances therein unto my people.” More …


Maps and information about places associated with the revelations from The Joseph Smith Papers, Historic Sites, and other helpful sources


Timeline placing each revelation in the context of key events in the Church’s first century

View the chronology …
