Lub Koom Txoos zaj Keeb Kwm
Jane Elizabeth Manning James

“Jane Elizabeth Manning James,” Tej Ntsiab Lus txog lub Koom Txoos zaj Keeb Kwm

“Jane Elizabeth Manning James”

Jane Elizabeth Manning James

Jane Elizabeth Manning (kwv yees 1822–1908) yog ib tug ntawm tsib tug me nyuam uas yug los rau ib khub niam txiv Afikas Amelikas nyob hauv Connecticut thaum ib lub sij hawm uas cov neeg tawv nqaij dub feem coob nyob hauv lub Teb Chaws Amelikas ua qhev.1 Thaum nws yog ib tug ntxhais hluas, nws tau koom nrog lub Koom Txoos New Canaan Congregational Church nyob rau xyoo 1841, tiam sis 18 lub hlis tom qab ntawd, hauv lub caij no no ntawm xyoo 1842–43, nws thiab ob peb tug hauv nws tsev neeg tau ua kev cai raus dej koom Yexus Khetos lub Koom Txoos ntawm Tsoom Haiv Neeg Ntseeg hauv Hnub Nyoog Kawg. Jane thiab lwm tus nyob hauv nws tsev neeg tau xav koom Haiv Neeg Ntseeg nyob hauv Nauvoo, yog li ntawd lawv tawm Connecticut mus rau New York, lawv npaj yuav caij cov nkoj uas siv hluav taws ua lub zog thiab cov nkoj hauv kwj deg. Tiam sis, tib neeg tsis pub lawv caij nkoj vim yog lawv yog haiv neeg muaj tawv nqaij dub, yog li ntawd lawv tau taug kev mus 800 mais ntxiv. Nyob hauv Peoria, Illinois, cov thawj coj hauv zej zog nug seb tsev neeg Manning puas yog cov qhev uas khiav txim thiab yuam kom lawv muab ntawv qhia tias lawv muaj kev ywj siab. Kev ntxub lwm haiv neeg yog ib qho teeb meem uas Jane yuav muaj tas nws lub neej.

Daim Duab
daim duab txog Jane Manning James

Daim Duab txog Jane Manning James

Los ntawm Lub Tsev Khaws Ntaub Ntawv rau lub Koom Txoos zaj Keeb Kwm

Thaum nws nyob hauv Nauvoo, Jane tau ntaus phooj ywg nrog Joseph thiab Emma Smith. Nws tau nrog lawv nyob thiab ua hauj lwm hauv lawv lub tsev. Muaj ib lub sij hawm Emma caw Jane los ua ib tug me nyuam hauv tsev neeg Smith los ntawm kev sib khi pov thawj hwj.2 Jane tsis kam ua li ntawd, nws tsis to taub qhov tshiab ntawd, tiam sis nws yeej ntseeg tias Joseph yog ib tug yaj saub. Nws tau ua tim khawv tom qab ntawd hais tias, “Kuv yeej paub tus Yaj Saub Joseph. Nws yog tus txiv neej zoo tshaj plaws uas kuv pom nyob hauv lub ntiaj teb. … Kuv paub meej tias nws yog ib tug yaj saub vim kuv paub xwb.”3

Los ntawm nws txoj kev sib tham nrog Joseph thiab Joseph niam, Lucy Mack Smith, Jane tau kawm ntxiv txog Phau Ntawv Maumoos thiab txoj kev txhais phau ntawd thiab nws to taub thiab saib tias cov kab ke hauv lub tuam tsev tseem ceeb heev.

Jane tau yuav Isaac James, ib tug hloov siab los ntseeg uas muaj tawv nqaij dub los ntawm New Jersey. Nkawd, nrog rau Jane tus tub Sylvester, tau tawm Nauvoo nyob rau xyoo 1846 mus rau sab hnub poob nrog Haiv Neeg Ntseeg. Xyoo ntawd thaum lub Rau Hli Ntuj, Jane thiab Isaac tus tub Silas yug los. Xyoo tom qab ntawd nkawd tsev neeg tau hla tiaj nras, mus txog lub Hav Salt Lake thaum lub caij nplooj ntoos zeeg nyob rau xyoo 1847. Isaac thiab Jane tau muaj rau tus me nyuam ntxiv, tsuas muaj ob tug uas tau nyob ntev tshaj Jane. Ib yam li lwm tus neeg uas los nyob hauv lub Hav Salt Lake, Jane thiab Isaac tau khwv ua hauj lwm ua noj ua haus rau nkawd tsev neeg. Isaac tau ua ib tug neeg ua num thiab tej lub sij hawm ua ib tug neeg tsav tsheb nees rau Brigham Young, es Jane tau siv lub ntos ua ntaub, xaws, thiab ntxhua khaub ncaws ib yam li nws tau ua hauv Nauvoo.

Kev tsis sib haum xeeb hauv nkawd txoj kev sib yuav ua rau Isaac thiab Jane sib nrauj nyob rau xyoo 1870. Jane twb tau yuav ib tug uas yog ib tug qhev dhau los, nkawd sib yuav tau ob xyoos, tiam sis tsis ntev tom qab ntawd nws rov qab ua neej tsis yuav txiv thiab ua ib tug pog. Qhov uas nws xav tau nyiaj txiag thiab qhov uas nws peb tug me nyuam tau tas sim neej ua rau Jane yuav tsum rov qab ua hauj lwm. Nws ua thiab muag tshuaj da dej, es nws ob tug tub tau ua neeg ua num. Nyob rau xyoo 1890, tom qab nws nyob deb tau 20 xyoo, Isaac rov qab tuaj nyob hauv Salt Lake City, nws rov qab ua mej zeej hauv lub Koom Txoos, thiab rov sib raug zoo nrog Jane. Thaum nws tuag ib xyoos tom qab ntawd, lawv tau ua lub ntees tuag hauv nws lub tsev.

Txhua lub sij hawm nws raug tej yam nyuaj hauv nws lub neej, Jane yeej rau siab ntseeg ua raws li tej lus qhia ntawm txoj moo zoo thiab saib nws txoj kev ua mej zeej hauv lub Koom Txoos rau nqi. Nws tau muab nyiaj pub dawb rau kev tsa lub tuam tsev thiab tau koom nrog lub Koom Haum Niam Tsev thiab cov Ntxhais Hluas lub Koom Haum Coj Tsim Txiaj.4 Jane tau muaj tej txiaj ntsim ntawm tus Ntsuj Plig ntau heev, tsis hais kev ua yog toog, ua npau suav, kev kho mob los ntawm kev ntseeg, thiab hais tau ntau yam lus. Nws tau sau ntawv hais tias, “Kuv txoj kev ntseeg Yexus Khetos txoj Moo Zoo yeej muaj zog hnub no, tsis yog, nws muaj zog tshaj hnub uas kuv tau ua kev cai raus dej.”5

Txij thaum 1884 mus txog xyoo 1904, Jane tau ib sij sau ntawv rau lub Koom Txoos cov thawj coj—John Taylor, Wilford Woodruff, Zina D. H. Young, thiab Joseph F. Smith—es nws xav kom lawv tso cai rau nws txais nws lub vaj txiaj ntsim hauv lub tuam tsev thiab ua kev cai sib khi.6 Thaum lub sij hawm ntawd, tsis tau pub Tsoom Haiv Neeg Ntseeg hauv Hnub Nyoog Kawg cov txiv neej thiab cov poj niam muaj tawv nqaij dub ua cov kab ke feem ntau hauv lub tuam tsev. Nyob rau xyoo 1888, ceg txheem ntseeg tus thawj tswj hwm Angus M. Cannon tau tso cai rau Jane ua kev cai raus dej sawv cev rau nws cov poj koob yawm txwv uas tau tas sim neej lawm.7 Thaum kawg lub Koom Txoos cov thawj coj tau cia nws ua kev sib khi sawv cev rau hauv Joseph Smith tsev neeg ua ib tug ntxhais ua hauj lwm nyob rau xyoo 1894, ib yam uas tsis tau muaj dua li. Txawm yog nws tsis tau txais nws lub vaj txiaj ntsim los sis ua kev cai sib khi nrog nws tsev neeg thaum nws ua neej nyob, twb tau muaj neeg sawv cev ua cov kab ke no rau nws nyob rau xyoo 1979.8

Nws tuag thaum lub Plaub Hlis Ntuj 16, 1908, thaum nws muaj 95 xyoos, nws tseem yog ib tug Neeg Ntseeg hauv Hnub Nyoog Kawg uas rau siab ntseeg. Ntawv xov xwm Deseret News tshaj tawm tias, “Tsis muaj neeg uas muaj kev ntseeg thiab rau siab tshaj Jane Manning James, thiab txawm yog nws yog ib tug txo hwj chim heev nws tau muaj phooj ywg coob kawg.”9

Lus Cim

  1. Jane niam yog ib tug qhev tiam sis nws txais kev dim los ntawm lub xeev Connecticut txoj kev cai tso neeg dim zuj zus. Jane muaj kev ywj siab thaum nws yug los, tiam sis lub xeev tseem tso cai muaj neeg ua qhev mus txog thaum tom qab Jane mus lawm. Hais txog Jane lub neej niaj hnub, saib Henry J. Wolfinger, “A Test of Faith: Jane Elizabeth Manning James and the Origins of the Utah Black Community,” nyob hauv Clark Knowlton, tus kho ntawv, Social Accommodation in Utah (Salt Lake City: University of Utah, 1975), 126–75 thiab Quincy D. Newell, “The Autobiography and Interview of Jane Elizabeth Manning Yakaunpaus,” Journal of Africana Religions, phau 1, naj npawb 2 (2013), 251–91.

  2. Zina D. H. Young tsab ntawv rau Joseph F. Smith, Ib Hlis Ntuj 15, 1894, Church History Library, Salt Lake City.

  3. “‘Aunt’ Jane James,” nyob hauv “Joseph Smith, the Prophet,” Young Woman’s Journal, phau 16, naj npawb 12 (Kaum Ob Hlis Ntuj 1905), 551, 553.

  4. Eighth Ward Relief Society Minutes and Records, 1867–1969, Eighth Ward, Liberty Stake, Yim Hli Ntuj 20, 1874; Kaum Hli Ntuj 20, 1874; Kaum Ob Hlis Ntuj 21, 1874; Ib Hlis Ntuj 20, 1875; Peb Hlis Ntuj 22, 1875; Tsib Hlis Ntuj 20, 1875; Kaum Ib Hlis Ntuj 20, 1875, phau 1, Church History Library, Salt Lake City [Jane tau siv lub xeem Perkins tau ib sij hawm tsis ntev]; “Ladies Semi-monthly Meeting,” Woman’s Exponent, phau 22, naj npawb 9 (Kaum Ob Hlis Ntuj 1, 1893), 66. Jane tau muab nyiaj txiag rau pob nyiaj ua lub Tuam Tsev St. George, Logan, thiab Manti, thiab muab nyiaj rau Qhov Chaw Tshaj Tawm Txoj Moo Zoo rau cov Neeg Lamas (cov Neeg Qhab). Saib Linda King Newell thiab Valeen Tippetts Avery, “Jane Manning James,” Ensign, Yim Hli Ntuj 1979, 29.

  5. Jane Elizabeth Manning phau ntawv txog nws tus kheej, kwv yees li 1902, hais rau Elizabeth J. D. Roundy, Church History Library, Salt Lake City, 22.

  6. Jane E. James tsab ntawv rau Taylor, Kaum Ob Hlis Ntuj 27, 1884; Jane E. James tsab ntawv rau Joseph F. Smith, Ob Hlis Ntuj 7, 1890; Jane E. James tsab ntawv rau Joseph F. Smith, Yim Hli Ntuj 31, 1903.

  7. Angus M. Cannon tsab ntawv rau Jane E. James, Rau Hli Ntuj 16, 1888; kuj saib Tonya Reiter, “Black Saviors on Mount Zion: Proxy Baptisms and Latter-day Saints of African Descent,” Journal of Mormon History, phau 43, naj npawb 4 (Kaum Hli Ntuj 2017), 100–123.

  8. Jane Elizabeth Manning James phau ntawv txog nws tus kheej, kwv yees li 1902. Jane tau hais txog nws lub neej rau lwm tus sau ua ib phau ntawv nyob hauv Salt Lake City tom qab xyoo 1902 thiab ua ntej 1908; Ronald G. Coleman thiab Darius A. Gray, “Two Perspectives: The Religious Hopes of ‘Worthy’ African American Latter-day Saints before the 1978 Revelation,” nyob hauv Newell G. Bringhurst thiab Darron T. Smith, ob tug kho ntawv., Black and Mormon (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2004), 54. Kuj saib Quincy D. Newell, “The Autobiography and Interview of Jane Manning James,” Journal of Africana Religions, phau 1, naj npawb 2 (2013), 256, 275 (lus cim 34).

  9. “Death of Jane Manning James,” Deseret News, Plaub Hlis Ntuj 16, 1908.
