“Mormon,” Tambuli, Oct. 1989, 8
Draw a line to connect Mormon’s age to what happened to him at that age.
1. Mormon, age 10 |
a. hid plates in Hill Cumorah. (See Morm. 6:5–6). |
2. Mormon, age 11 |
b. received plates. (See Morm. 1:3; Morm. 2:17.) |
3. Mormon, age 15 |
c. led Nephite army. (See Morm. 2:2.) |
4. Mormon, age 16 |
d. traveled to land of Zarahemla. (See Morm. 1:6.) |
5. Mormon, age 24 |
e. learned about plates. (See Morm. 1:1–4.) |
6. Mormon, age 74 |
f. saw Jesus. (See Morm. 1:15.) |
(Read the book of Mormon in the Book of Mormon)
Illustrated by Marty Mayo