Turning Our Hearts
October 1989

“Turning Our Hearts,” Tambuli, Oct. 1989, 7

Visiting Teaching Message:

“Turning Our Hearts”

Objective: To remind sisters of the importance of keeping personal and family histories.

At age nine, Elizabeth had immigrated to the United States with an uncle. Her parents and their six other children planned to join them in America, but never could. She never saw them again.

Elizabeth grew up, married, and one day welcomed two Latter-day Saint missionaries into her home. A few months later, Elizabeth joined the Church. But her life was difficult. Her husband lost a leg in an accident. He also suffered from tuberculosis and glaucoma and was blind during the last fifteen years of his life.

His death left Elizabeth alone to run a farm and raise nine children. She added to the family’s limited income by working as a midwife.

Three times the family lost their home—to a flood, a fire, and a tornado. But despite her trials, Elizabeth maintained a positive attitude and shared the joy of the gospel message wherever she went.

Helped by her daughter-in-law, Mary, Elizabeth had been compiling her personal history, but had been killed in a car accident before the work was done. Mary felt impressed to complete the work and make it available to the family.

Elizabeth’s history has greatly influenced her posterity. “Grandma is still a part of our lives,” says Carol, Mary’s daughter.

“When I see my grandchildren go to the bookshelf and take down that history,” says Mary, “I know why I felt so strongly compelled to finish it—so her posterity would know the legacy she left.”

Learning about our ancestors can help us to better understand them and ourselves. Many of their dreams, aspirations, and challenges were similar to ours. We gain spiritual strength from reading about how our ancestors met challenges. But family history work not only helps unite family members for eternity, it also strengthens bonds between living family members.

Personal and family histories help us cultivate a sense of identity and responsibility, evaluate our own lives, and preserve a legacy for posterity.

Suggestions for Visiting Teachers:

  1. Share or have the sister you visit share a faith-promoting experience recorded in a personal or family history.

  2. Invite the sister you visit to begin keeping a journal or writing a personal history, if she is not already doing so.

(See Family Home Evening Resource Book, pages 95–97, 189–190 for additional resources.)
