October 1990

“Comment,” Tambuli, Oct. 1990, 1



Each month, I look forward to reading my copy of the Tambuli (Philippines). It’s like receiving a beautiful package.

The articles written by the General Authorities and other members of the Church give us the spiritual boost that we need. I also enjoy reading the local news pages to learn of Church members in other parts of the country, and to be inspired by the messages from members of the area presidency.

Deanna June Alcazar
Jaro Ward, Philippines


I am not a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, but I really enjoy my monthly copy of A Liahona (Portuguese). It is a well-written, well-produced, quality publication.

Its messages and articles are testimonies of faith that help us endure life’s problems, find comfort in our afflictions, and be better friends and neighbors. In addition, the magazine brings us examples to live by no matter whether we are men, women, or children.

As a confirmed fan of the A Liahona, I anxiously await each issue.

Dirce Erbolato Zaouk
Sao Paulo, Brazil


I would like to thank you in the name of the many members of the Church in this area who recognize and appreciate the excellent quality of articles and artwork in the Liahona (Spanish).

I would also like to express the need of those members who are far from the headquarters of the Church to share their experiences in the gospel. This will allow many to really feel a part of the world-wide strength of Zion, and not like a group that is apart and disconnected from the body of the Church. I believe that many members in remote areas need to know what is going on in other parts of the Church. This will bring about a unique feeling of understanding and fellowship extending beyond cultural and social boundaries.

Nestor Curbelo
Buenos Aires, Argentina


I deeply admire young ladies such as Sue Keller described in the February 1990 article, “You Can Make a Difference.” She is like a young plant nourished by the Spirit, “springing up unto everlasting life” (Alma 32:41). Of course, there will be set-backs, of course there will be weeds, but the Lord of the harvest will care for his tender plants, “and he will raise them up at the last day” (Alma 26:7).

Jose Flores
Monterrey, Mexico
