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Journey to the Promised Land
October 1990

“Journey to the Promised Land,” Tambuli, Oct. 1990, 8

Journey to the Promised Land


This game follows some of the events of the Israelites as they traveled from their captivity in Egypt to their new home in the Promised Land. The game will help you learn about their travels—what happened to them when they didn’t obey the Lord’s commandments and the blessings they received when they did.

To prepare the game, first cut out the numbered spinner. Then, paste the spinner on heavy paper or cardboard. To use, place a short pencil or stick through the center of the spinner (it should fit snugly), and then spin. The number of the side it stops on will determine how many spaces to move. For markers to indicate your position as you play, use buttons, beans, or pebbles that are small enough that they do not cover the spaces.

Israelite game

All the spaces have been numbered. Players move by following the instructions found in the key for the space they land on. Some have questions and others do not. If you land on a space with no question, wait for your next turn. After discovering the answer in the scriptures, follow the appropriate consequences. If the answer is a faith-promoting experience, the consequences will be good; but if the answer is a difficulty or trial, the consequences will hinder progress. After a player has followed the instructions, the turn passes to the next player.

A player may land on a space that is already occupied.

To finish the game the player must either get the exact number that will place his marker in the Promised Land or must land on space number 68 (see key). The first player to reach the Promised Land wins.

Journey to the Promised Land

Journey to the Promised Land


The Great Sea




The Red Sea

Dead Sea


Promised Land

Answer Key

  1. Start your journey to the Promised Land. Go ahead one.

  2. Ex. 14:10–12. If the Children of Israel were happy, go ahead three; if they were fearful of the Egyptians and murmured, go back and start over.

  3. Ex. 14:29–31. If the Children of Israel were faithful and praised God for the miracle, go ahead four; if they feared the Lord, go back three.

  4. Take two more turns.

  5. Ex. 15:23–24. If the Children of Israel had faith that they could get good water, take another turn; if they murmured that the water was bitter, lose one turn.

  6. Go back two.

  7. Ex. 16:35–35. If the Lord blessed the Children of Israel with a miracle of the manna, go ahead two; if he chastised them for their murmurings, go back four.

  8. Ex. 17:1–3. If Israel praised the Lord, take another turn; if they murmured because there was no water, go back two.

  9. Take another turn.

  10. Ex. 24:3. If Israel accepts the Ten Commandments that God gave to them through Moses, move ahead four; if they refuse them, go back five.

  11. Go ahead three.

  12. Ex. 39:30–32. If Israel followed Moses and helped finish the tabernacle, go ahead four; if they complain about what they have to give, lose two turns.

  13. Num. 11:4–6. If Israel complains about the miracle of manna, go back three; if they are continually patient, take another turn.

  14. Lose one turn.

  15. Num. 12:1. If Miriam and Aaron accept Moses’ wife, move ahead two; if they challenge his marriage, go back two.

  16. Num. 12:15. If Miriam was healed of her leprosy and brought back into the camp, go ahead two; if she suffered from leprosy for the rest of her life, go back two.

  17. Take another turn.

  18. Num. 14:1–4. If the Israelites move ahead with excitement toward the Promised Land, take another turn; if the whole congregation wished to return to Egypt, go back two.

  19. Num. 14:24. If Caleb is allowed to enter the Promised Land, go ahead four; but if he cannot, go back three.

  20. Num. 14:33. If the Children of Israel are good and go straight to the Promised Land, go ahead seven; but if they must wander in the wilderness for forty years, go back to number 26.

  21. Lose one turn.

  22. Num. 16:28–32. If Korah, Dathon and Abiram and their families are good and agree with Moses, go ahead two; if they are wicked and are swallowed up in the earth, go back two.

  23. Num. 16:41. If the Children of Israel rejoiced with Moses and Aaron, take another turn; but if they murmured against them, go back two.

  24. Num. 17:5–8. If Aaron’s rod buds as a sign to Israel that he is to help them, go ahead two; but if there is a sign that no one can help Israel anymore, lose a turn.

  25. Take an extra turn.

  26. Num. 18:6. If the house of Levi is chosen for a special work, go ahead two; but if they are cut off from the people, lose two turns.

  27. Take an extra turn.

  28. Num. 18:25–28. The Lord teaches Moses about the law of tithing. Go ahead two.

  29. Num. 20:1. If Miriam will see the Promised Land, go ahead two; but if Miriam dies, go back two.

  30. Lose one turn.

  31. Num. 20:11. If Moses performed a miracle by making water come out of a rock, go ahead six; but if the Children of Israel suffered thirst, go back four.

  32. Take an extra turn.

  33. Lose one turn.

  34. Num. 20:20–21. If the people of Edom are friendly to the Israelites, take another turn; but if the Edomites refuse to let the Children of Israel go through their land, go back four.

  35. Num. 20:28. If Moses’ brother, Aaron, will see the Promised Land, go ahead two; but if Aaron dies, go back two.

  36. Lose one turn.

  37. Num. 21:4–6. If the Lord pours out his blessings on Israel, go ahead three; if serpents afflict Israel, go back four.

  38. Take an extra turn.

  39. Num. 21:7–9. If Moses lifts up a fiery serpent to help the people live, go ahead two; but if he doesn’t help the people this time, go back two.

  40. Lose one turn.

  41. Num. 25:1–2. If the Israelites are faithful to the commandments and to their culture, take another turn; but if they worship false gods, go back four.

  42. The Israelites win the Battle of Jericho, move ahead one space. You win! (See Josh. 6:1–2.)

Illustrated by Julie F. Young