June 1993

“Comment,” Tambuli, June 1993, 1


Liahona in Russia

Thank you for the very interesting and useful articles published in the Liahona (Spanish) magazine.

I particularly appreciate the magazine now that I am living in Russia. Originally from Lima, Peru, I am in my third year here studying agronomy.

I have been a member of the Church since 1985. After I have completed my studies, I would like to return to Russia to serve as a full-time missionary.

The Church is growing very rapidly in Russia, with most of the members being in the major cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg. The city of Kiev in the Ukraine also has a number of Church members.

I would like to share my testimony of faith and hope in the Savior with all Latter-day Saint youth around the world. We can achieve much.

Jesualdo Condori Mamani
Krasnodar, Russia

A Valuable Missionary Tool

I thought you might like to know what happened as a result of my letter, “Living Examples,” which you published in the “Comment” page of the April 1991 issue.

Having my letter published aroused in me the desire to share my testimony of, and appreciation for, the wonderful A Liahona (Portuguese) magazine.

I showed my letter to my friends, and one of them wanted to know more about the magazine and its contents. As he thumbed through the pages, his interest increased. He wanted to know more about the publication and immediately accepted my offer of a year’s subscription.

His reaction convinced me that the magazine is more than just a simple periodical—it is a valuable missionary tool. The magazine’s contents show the gospel of Jesus Christ exemplified in the lives of Latter-day Saints around the world. It contains inspired messages from our beloved General Authorities, always pointing the way to righteousness. As we read the inspiring stories published in A Liahona, we feel touched by the beautiful examples of courage, work, testimony, and faith of our brothers and sisters in the gospel. Their experiences affect our lives for good. The magazine is a precious treasure.

When we offer the Church magazines as a gift to our nonmember friends, we help introduce the restored gospel into their homes. We are going missionary work in an easy and pleasant way.

Elson Carlos Ferreira
Ponta Grossa Second Ward, Ponta Grossa Paraná Brazil Stake

Cover to Cover

Every time I receive Sheng Tu Chi Sheng (Chinese), I have to read it from cover to cover. Often I will shed tears of joy as the Spirit touches me.

The magazine has been a great strength to me as I serve in the military service. I particularly felt encouraged by the painting that appeared in the August 1992 issue, depicting Helaman leading the army of 2,000 Ammonite youth. What a great example to us of righteousness and courage.

Chang, Chin-kai
San Chung Ward, Taipei Taiwan West Stake
