Teens in Tenerife
June 1993

“Teens in Tenerife,” Tambuli, June 1993, 34

Teens in Tenerife

Just off the coast of northern Africa is a small island named Tenerife, where the LDS youth are strong and unified and the missionary work is going well.

Tenerife is one of the Canary Islands, which are an official part of Spain. The residents look Spanish and speak Spanish. The Church is barely a dozen years old in the Canaries, and there are many complete families in the wards and branches. But the youth are a major source of strength. They work with the missionaries and bring many new friends to church.

“We have something great that others don’t have, and we feel it’s important to share it,” says Oscar Herrera Rivero, 17.

They also help with activities for the rest of the members. Recently they spent a day helping take the Primary children to the park. In the evening, they held a talent show for the whole stake. Not only did it help the members feel closer, but many investigators and less-active members were able to see just how much fun you can have at the LDS Church.
