October 1993

“Comment,” Tambuli, Oct. 1993, 1


Very Uplifting

Although I am not a Latter-day Saint, I enjoy reading the Tambuli (English) each month. I find the articles very uplifting, and often I am moved to tears of joy.

I am so grateful to be living among members of the Church who share the magazine with me. I look forward to reading each issue.

Agnes C. Guisadio
Calinog, Iloilo

Missionary Tool

Currently, I am serving in the Atlanta Georgia Mission, where we make good use of the Liahona (Spanish) magazine. The magazine provides regular counsel from the Brethren and keeps us in touch with Church members around the world.

We recently baptized a family whose first contact with the Church was the Liahona. A Church member had placed a copy of the magazine at the beauty salon where she worked. A customer read an article in the magazine, and that led to questions, meeting the missionaries, invitations to church, and eventually, baptism.

We need to follow this sister’s example and place the magazine where it can be exposed to nonmembers. It’s a simple way to do missionary work and a great way to share the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Elder Alfredo Gutiérrez
Georgia Atlanta Mission


The Liahona (Spanish) is to me like the Spirit of God. It has comforted me with its articles, comments, and stories. As a fairly new convert—I was baptized in 1991—I have come to a better understanding of the scriptures through articles published in the magazine.

Bartolome A. Pérez Brito
Galdar Branch (Canary Islands), Spain Las Palmas Mission

A Guardian

L‘Etoile (French) is a guardian for me. When I am not sure what to do, or if I realize I have done something foolish, I’ll find an answer to my problems in the magazine. I sometimes think bishops would not be so overburdened each week if members of the Church would first seek answers to their problems in prayer, in studying the scriptures, and in reading the Church magazine.

For example, by reading the First Presidency Message in the magazine, I can have my very own interview with the Brethren and have their counsel to guide me. And as I read of Latter-day Saints around the world, I realize that we are unified as an international family.

I suggest that we use the articles in the magazine as a basis for class instruction, talks, family home evening, and for day-to-day living.

Stephanie Piette
Toul Branch, Nancy France Stake
