“Alma Teaches about Faith,” Tambuli, June 1994, 16
Alma Teaches about Faith

Alma taught the Zoramites about faith in God. He said that asking for a sign from heaven in order to believe is not having faith. Alma 32:17–18

He said that faith is believing what is true without seeing it. He also explained how faith grows. Alma 32:21

If we really want to believe, and listen to the word of God, it is planted in our hearts like a seed and starts to grow. Alma 32:26–28

Alma said that as we learn more about the gospel, this seed keeps growing. We know that it is good, and our faith grows stronger. Alma 32:30

He explained that just as a good seed brings forth good fruit, the word of God brings us blessings if we have faith. Alma 32:37, 42–43
Illustrated by Jerry Thompson