June 1994

“Comment,” Tambuli, June 1994, 1


Awesome Magazine

As a new member of the Church, I find that the Tambuli (English) helps strengthen my testimony and my faith in the gospel of Jesus Christ. It is one of the most important factors in my spiritual growth. My heart is touched as I read the testimonies of brothers and sisters throughout the world. Their testimonies and the counsel of the Brethren guide and inspire me as I strive to become a better individual.

I get excited each time I receive a copy of the magazine, and I can’t wait to read it. I like to share gospel truths with my friends of other faiths by lending them this awesome magazine.

Heidi I. Primero
Camiling Fourth Ward, Tarlac Philippines Stake

A Help to Missionaries

La Stella (Italian) is of value not only to the Italian Saints, but also to the missionaries serving in Italy.

When I arrived in the Italy Rome Mission, I was excited at the prospect of reading La Stella. But in those early days of my mission, I found the magazine a little intimidating because I didn’t understand Italian well enough to be able to read it.

However, now that some time has passed, I have come to love the Italian language. I look forward each month to reading messages and articles about the beautiful gospel of Jesus Christ in a beautiful language. I especially enjoy the local news reports of people and activities in branches in which I have served.

Elder Erik Schaumann
Italy Rome Mission

The Prophet in Our Home

Recently, while giving a lesson in my ward, I asked for a show of hands of those who wanted to hear words of counsel from the Lord’s prophet. Everyone raised their hands. Then I said, “The best way to receive counsel from our President and the other Brethren and to bring their messages into our homes is to subscribe to the Liahona (Spanish).”

Now I am the ward magazine representative! I am very happy to have this calling, and the Lord blesses me as I respond to the call.

Marcelo Imaldo Castillo Navarrete
Almirante La Torre Ward, Los Angeles Chile Stake
