October 1994

“Comment,” Tambuli, Oct. 1994, 1


A Missionary Tool

A Liahona (Portuguese) is a wonderful magazine. The messages it contains revive me spiritually and strengthen me in moments of weakness. I am amazed at the increase of knowledge and testimony that I gain each month.

I am grateful for the inspiring messages of the First Presidency and for the other articles and testimonies. They help me appreciate the majesty of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

The magazine can be a great missionary tool. I gave a copy of it to a nonmember friend as a means of introducing the Church and its message to her family.

Perhaps we all should consider giving a magazine subscription to nonmember friends whenever possible. We will see a marvelous work and a wonder in the lives of the people who accept it and the gospel.

Evandson Luis de Lemos
Ramos Ward, Rio de Janeiro Brazil Stake

For Family Home Evening

As a full-time missionary, I receive a copy of Liahona (Spanish). I read most of it on my preparation day, with added reading during breakfast, lunch, and study hour. The articles in the magazine strengthen me in my mission and give me ideas for activating the less active.

Now I am collecting all of the back issues I can so that when I go home I can let my nonmember parents read them. Eventually, I hope to use them to help teach my own family.

Elder Patani
Paraguay Asunción Mission

Inspired Words

I have been a member of the Church for almost three years. From the beginning, Der Stern (German) has been a faithful companion on a road that has not always been easy. Many brothers and sisters gave me back issues of the magazine to help me learn more of the history and the growth of the Church. The inspired words of the General Authorities particularly have encouraged me and strengthened my testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Peter Sawatzki
Mannheim Ward, Mannheim Germany Stake

Irresistible Urge

When L‘Etoile (French) arrives in my mailbox, I immediately stop whatever I’m doing to read the magazine from cover to cover. I can’t help it. There is an irresistible urge to read the magazine, regardless of what I may have been doing.

In my city of Dieppe, there are 37,000 inhabitants but no branch of the Church. L‘Etoile helps sustain me spiritually until each Sunday I meet with the other members of the Rouen Ward, Paris Stake.

Olivier Maurouard
Dieppe, France
