Promptings of the Spirit
October 1994

“Promptings of the Spirit,” Tambuli, Oct. 1994, 2

Promptings of the Spirit

Adapted from an April 1989 conference address.

Years ago, I found a summer job on an oyster boat in Long Island Sound. Four of us lived together in an area not much larger than the cab of a big semi-trailer truck. At first, I was considered a spy for the owner, and then a boy who didn’t have courage to “live like a man.” The others really gave me a bad time. Finally, when they understood that I would not do wrong things to prove I was a man, they left me alone, and we became friends. And then privately, one by one, they asked for help.

You know what is right and wrong. Be the leader in doing right. At first you may not be understood. You may not have the friends you want right away, but in time they will respect you, then admire you. Many will come privately to receive strength from your spiritual flame. You can do it. I know that you can do it.

You have observed how some of your friends want to appear to their parents and Church leaders as though they are doing the right things, but secretly they do otherwise. They may have moments of excitement that they consider pleasure, but they can never be at peace or truly happy. When you keep the commandments of the Lord, you can be happy and at peace, and the Holy Ghost is your companion.

When you are alone with your friends, talk about doing good and being good. You will be able to be inspired by the Lord to know what to do. The feelings you will have, the promptings that will come to you, will powerfully help you to want to do good. Those who do wrong and scheme to get away with it will never know such feelings. If you don’t feel comfortable with the thought of discussing good things with your friends, they are not your friends. Change them.

Some of you, as you have read this, may have been prompted by the Spirit about something the Lord wants you to do. Those promptings are a personal message from the Lord to you. Remember that message. Follow it now for your happiness.

Illustrated by Robert McKay
