December 1996

“Contents,” Liahona, Dec. 1996


December 1996

Volume 20, Number 12

On the cover: In “Words of the Living Prophet” (see page 8), President Gordon B. Hinckley declares, “No church in the world speaks up with a stronger witness of the divinity of the Lord Jesus Christ … than does this church.” Testimony of the Savior’s divinity is shared by many authors in this issue, including youth from around the world who declare “He Lives!” (see page 34). The Lord in Prayer, by Lowell Bruce Bennett.

Back cover: The Nativity scene and Christmas ornaments are symbols that help remind us of the Savior, of whom Isaiah prophesied: “For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace” (Isa. 9:6). (Photography: Nativity scene by Altus Photo Design; star ornament by Jed Clark.)

Inside back cover: “I am grateful to the Lord for many blessings—for arms, for eyes that see, for a voice that can sing, for a home, for the opportunity to love, to serve, to live. It’s wonderful to believe in God. I have so little to ask for and so much to be grateful for”—Patricia Elizabeth Báez Coral, El Ejido, Ecuador. (See “He Lives!” on page 34.) (Mary’s Visit to Elisabeth, by Carl Heinrich Bloch. Original at the Chapel of Frederiksborg Castle, Denmark. Used by permission of the Frederiksborgmuseum.)
