Your Own Testimony
December 1996

“Your Own Testimony,” Liahona, Dec. 1996, 32

Your Own Testimony

Like anything worth having, a testimony takes time and patience. But building a testimony of the Savior will be worth whatever effort it takes. A testimony is the strongest foundation on which to build the rest of your life. One way to strengthen your testimony is to learn from the testimonies of others (see our special Christmas feature, “He Lives!” page 34). There are many other ways to learn more about the Savior. Here are a few:

Use the Scriptures

  • Read the Christmas story as a family; then set up a manger scene.

  • Read about Jesus Christ’s ministry in both the New Testament and the Book of Mormon.

  • Read a specific chapter in the scriptures concerning the life of Christ. Then offer to give a devotional in seminary or a family home evening lesson about that chapter.

  • Memorize a favorite scripture about the Savior.

  • Read the testimonies of the Apostles who lived during the Savior’s time, and learn as much as you can about their lives.

  • Read the testimonies of Joseph Smith and the Three and Eight Witnesses.

Use Your Talents

  • Learn all of the words to a hymn about the Savior, such as “I Believe in Christ” by Elder Bruce R. McConkie (Hymns, number 134).

  • Write a poem or a short prose piece about what you have learned from the Savior’s life and atonement.

  • Participate in your ward or branch choir. Talk to your leaders about coordinating a youth choir or a choral reading of the Christmas story.

  • If you play a musical instrument, accompany others in your ward so that they can sing about the life of the Savior.

  • Offer to give a spiritual thought in an appropriate meeting, or offer to help give a lesson in your quorum or class. Center your thought on the life of the Savior.

  • Make a batch of Christmas cookies or other holiday treats for the missionaries in your area. Or take a treat to a nonmember friend or neighbor.

  • Paint a picture of a beautiful scene, and give it as a special Christmas gift to a friend or loved one along with your testimony of the Creator.

Learn with Others

  • Read what our modern-day prophets have said concerning their own testimonies of Jesus Christ. Read about the experiences that built their testimonies, and then try to follow their examples.

  • Share your testimony with others. Sometimes sharing your beliefs helps you to define and expand them.

  • Read with a child a story in the Church magazines about the Savior’s birth, such as “Christmas in the Americas” (The Friend, December 1995, 2–3) or “The Birth of Jesus” (Liahona, December 1995, 32–39).

  • Look for Christlike qualities in your parents and siblings. Not only does this help you have good role models, it also makes it a lot harder to get angry with them!

  • Write to full-time missionaries, and share your testimony of the Savior with them.

  • If you have access to the journals of your ancestors, read them to find out how they felt about the Savior.

Photograph by Steve Bunderson
