March 1997

“Comment,” Liahona, Mar. 1997, 1


Respect All Cultures

I was baptized in my native Peru when I was 15 years old. Now I am serving in the Russia Moscow Mission. In my homeland, the members of the Church believe in the gospel and know that it helps us to be happy here on the earth. In Russia, there are many wonderful members of the Church who believe the same.

As a missionary, I have friends and fellow missionaries from many countries. I know that it is very important for parents, teachers, and governments to teach respect and love for all nations and cultures.

I testify that Jesus Christ lives. I love my family and my neighbors and remind others to remember to love our neighbors as we love ourselves.

Elder J. Condori,
Russia Moscow Mission

Strengthens and Unites

The International Magazines bring members of the Church throughout the world closer, strengthening and uniting us. One way it does this is by permitting us to share our experiences with the gospel of Jesus Christ. I learned much, for example, by reading the article about Papua New Guinea in the August 1995 issue. Reading the magazine reminds me that the gospel really is being “preached unto every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people” (D&C 133:37).

Jose Ferreira Sobrinho,
Arapiraca Second Ward, Arapiraca Brazil Stake

Builds Testimony

From the time my son was born, I have tried to read to him from the children’s section each month. I don’t know if he has always understood the words, but the smile on his face has confirmed to me that he is enjoying learning about the gospel of Jesus Christ.

My son is now three years old and loves the children’s section. He likes to act out the stories of Nephi; they are his favorites.

Reading the Liahona (Spanish) is a way of strengthening the bonds of love between parents and children. I am also very grateful for the Sharing Time ideas, because when we do the activities together, we have valuable spiritual experiences that build my son’s testimony.

Anabel Juarez de Mera,
Tula Ward, Tula México Stake

A Good Habit

It really is a blessing and an inspiration for me to make a habit of reading and pondering the Liahona (English). I know that the magazine contains truths that we need in our lives and that if we seek to apply the knowledge we gain, our lives will be blessed.

Sonia C. Gomez,
Bagac Branch, Morong Philippines District
