March 1997

“Contents,” Liahona, Mar. 1997


March 1997

Volume 21, Number 3

On the cover: Ricky and Celia Wong of the Hong Kong Tolo Harbor Stake, with their children (from left) Ngai-lam, Hei-lam, and Ho-yan, and Celia’s mother, Keung Sin Suk-oi. (Front and back cover photography by Craig Dimond, except as noted.)

Back cover: The Church has changed much in Hong Kong since the first missionaries arrived in 1853. One of the most significant changes has come with the 1996 dedication of the Hong Kong Temple. See “A Dream Come True in Hong Kong,” page 34.

Left: Hong Kong Temple. Other photographs (from top): Bishop Edward Ho, Tai Po Ward, Hong Kong Tolo Harbor Stake; Lo Chi Shing and his wife, Lo Tong Kwok Wan, Hong Kong’s first family history missionaries (photograph by Kellene Ricks Adams); Lee Chan Yuk-fung, Shun Lee Ward, Hong Kong Kowloon West Stake, and her children, Sze-hang and Sai-Hang; seminary student Tsang Kin-kwok, Kwai Chung First Ward, Hong Kong Kowloon West Stake.

Inside front cover: Photograph by Floyd Holdman

Inside back cover: Joseph Smith in Liberty Jail, by Greg K. Olsen. While unjustly imprisoned in the jail at Liberty, Missouri, during the winter of 1838–39, the Prophet Joseph received profound revelations that are now recorded as D&C 121, 122, and 123 [D&C 121–123].
