“At 90, Still Setting the Pace of Service,” Liahona, June 2000, 11
At 90, Still Setting the Pace of Service
The responsibilities of the presidency have not altered the way President Gordon B. Hinckley approaches life. As ever, his goal is to advance the work of the Master.
When President Gordon B. Hinckley was called as a Counselor in the First Presidency 19 years ago at age 71, he was already at a time in life when most people are slowing down. True to his character, he simply stepped up his personal pace to meet the demands of his new calling.
Now, as he reaches his 90th birthday on 23 June, his pace is still accelerating.
The accompanying photographs give glimpses of his remarkable service during the nearly two decades he has served in the First Presidency.
President Hinckley has literally given his life in service to the Church. As a young missionary in England during the mid-1930s, he handled assignments that taught him to be forthright in presenting an accurate picture of the Church both to influential individuals and to the general public. His deep, burning confidence in the gospel message has only been refined by subsequent experiences.
After his mission, he accepted a job in 1935 as secretary of the Church’s new Radio, Publicity, and Mission Literature Committee. In that and other similar work, he spent more than 20 years contributing to the Church’s missionary work and growth before his call as a General Authority in 1958.
He was sustained as an Assistant to the Twelve on 6 April 1958 and as a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles on 30 September 1961. He served in that Quorum for nearly 20 years, until he was called as a Counselor to President Spencer W. Kimball on 23 July 1981. He was called as Second Counselor in the First Presidency on 2 December 1982.
He served as First Counselor to both President Ezra Taft Benson and President Howard W. Hunter before being ordained President of the Church on 12 March 1995.
In October 1981, at the first general conference after his call to the First Presidency, President Hinckley looked back on his service as a General Authority under “four great and inspired men [who] have presided over the Church—David O. McKay, Joseph Fielding Smith, Harold B. Lee, and Spencer W. Kimball” (“Faith: The Essence of True Religion,” Ensign, November 1981, 5). He reflected on some of the challenges, progress, and growth that had come to the Church during that time, voicing gratitude “for the great development of the work of the Lord.” And then he added, “Whether this assignment be lengthy or brief, I pledge my best effort, given with love and faith” (Ensign, November 1981, 6).
On 2 April 1995, one day after he was sustained as President of the Church in a solemn assembly of members, he stood at the pulpit in the Tabernacle and briefly reviewed his service in the Church, expressing deep gratitude for those who have contributed to the Church’s growth and progress. Once again he reiterated his determination to do nothing less than his best:
“I stand as your servant and pledge to you and to the Lord my very best effort as I ask for your continuing faith and prayers and uplifted hands.
“I am fully aware that I am not a young man as I shoulder the responsibilities of this sacred office. But I think I can honestly say that I do not feel old. I cannot repudiate my birth certificate, but I can still experience a great, almost youthful exuberance in my enthusiasm for this precious work of the Almighty” (“This Is the Work of the Master,” Ensign, May 1995, 70).
He sounded a theme that soon would become familiar, a theme of shared responsibility for the progress of the kingdom of God on the earth:
“This church does not belong to its President. Its head is the Lord Jesus Christ, whose name each of us has taken upon ourselves. We are all in this great endeavor together. We are here to assist our Father. …
“All of us in this great cause are of one mind, of one belief, of one faith. …
“… What is really important is that this is the work of the Master. Our work is to go about doing good as did He” (Ensign, May 1995, 71).
President Hinckley continues to fulfill that pledge to give his best efforts to the Master’s work. His life, which any member accepting a call to serve might take as an example, is evidence of his commitment to the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Above: President Gordon B. Hinckley at the funeral of President Howard W. Hunter. (Photograph at funeral by Chuck Wing, courtesy of Deseret News.) Background: After becoming President of the Church, President Hinckley meets the press for the first time.
Below, left: At the dedication of the Joseph Smith Sr. log home replica, near Palmyra, New York, March 1998. Below, right: Checking the progress on the Monticello Utah Temple, 3 March 1998. (Photograph at Monticello Utah Temple by Robin Ramsay.)
President Hinckley served as a Counselor to three Church Presidents. From left: With President Spencer W. Kimball; with President Ezra Taft Benson (center) and President Thomas S. Monson, then Second Counselor; and with President Howard W. Hunter. (Photograph with President Kimball courtesy of Deseret News.)
Above: The first Church President to visit Nigeria is greeted by Primary children, February 1998. (Photograph in Nigeria by John L. Hart, courtesy of Church News.) Background: A contemplative moment at general conference, 1983. (Background photograph by Jed Clark.)
Background: Meeting with Latter-day Saints at the dedication of the Guayaquil Ecuador Temple, August 1999. President Hinckley has dedicated more temples than all previous Church Presidents combined. (Background photograph by John L. Hart, courtesy of Church News.)
Below, left: With missionaries in Honduras who are helping with cleanup following Hurricane Mitch, November 1998. Below, center: Welcomed by children in the Canary Islands, February 1998. Below, right: At the Conference Center groundbreaking ceremony, 24 July 1997.