“Line upon Line: Finding Inner Peace,” Liahona, June 2000, 32
Line upon Line:
Finding Inner Peace
President David O. McKay (1873–1970) taught that we have “a dual nature—one, related to the earthly … life; the other, the spiritual life, akin to the divine. … Whether a man remains … satisfied with what the … world will give him, yielding without effort to the whim of his appetites and passions, and slipping further and further into the realm of indulgence, or whether, through self-mastery, he rises toward intellectual, moral, and spiritual enjoyments depends upon the kind of choice he makes every day—nay, every hour of his life” (in Conference Report, April 1967, 7).
While the decisions we make determine our course, we can revise that course by choosing to repent of our sins. As we change our path and seek forgiveness, the Savior’s infinite Atonement makes it possible for us to ultimately feel peace. One reader shares her feelings about finding the Lord’s peace:
“I am a young woman, 17 years old. I was baptized when I was 11. When I turned 14, I started dating a boy who was not a member of the Church and I became less-active. I did things that were wrong, and I felt dirty. I could not forgive myself, and I thought the Lord would not forgive me either.
“One day I saw two missionaries. For some reason, I felt the desire to pray again. I went home and offered a prayer to Heavenly Father. Then I got out my Book of Mormon and began to read. That Sunday I went to church and heard one of the missionaries bear his testimony. His words filled me with a desire to obtain a true testimony.
“As I prayed, read the scriptures, and fasted, I came to know the gospel is true, and I was filled with sorrow for what I had done. I told my branch president everything. I was so ashamed I felt my heart had shattered. He called a disciplinary council, and I was placed on probation.
“One night I read about Alma’s conversion in Alma 36:15–21. Tears filled my eyes. I knelt down and said: ‘Lord, free me from my sins as You did Alma. I know You can forgive my sins by the power of the atoning blood of Jesus Christ.’ At that moment, I felt a great power in my body. Among the tears on my face was a smile of joy. I felt, as did Alma, an exquisite joy.
“When my probation ended, my branch president called me to serve as secretary of the Young Women, branch music director, and a Primary teacher. I know Jesus Christ atoned for our sins and wants us to repent and return to Him.”
This article begins a new series in the Liahona. Line upon Line will address some of the fundamental doctrines and principles of the gospel. If you would like to see the Liahona treat a certain topic or if you have a story you would like to share, please write to us. Write to us, too, if you find this series helpful. Let us know which features in the magazine are of most benefit to you. Refer to our postal and e-mail addresses on page 1 of the magazine.
Illustrated by Pat Gerber; Photography by Jed Clark, Warren Luch, and John Luke; posed by models