Latter-day Saint Voices: A Labor of Love
June 2000

“Latter-day Saint Voices: A Labor of Love,” Liahona, June 2000, 26–31

Latter-day Saint Voices:

A Labor of Love

President Gordon B. Hinckley has often spoken of the happiness that comes to families because of the gospel of Jesus Christ. That happiness is not just for families here on earth. “What a marvelous revelation it is,” President Hinckley said, “that we should have the opportunity of going into the house of the Lord to be baptized for those who had not this saving ordinance during their lifetime” (“Words of the Living Prophet,” Liahona, June 2000, 16).

In the following accounts, we catch a glimpse of the joy that comes to those who, having received the ordinances of the gospel, are now extending gospel blessings to their ancestors. Their efforts are truly labors of love.
