undefined undefined Comment
June 2001

“Comment,” Liahona, June 2001, 1


“Members Are the Key”

I want to extend my heartfelt thanks for Elder M. Russell Ballard’s wonderful article, “Members Are the Key,” in the September 2000 Liahona (English). It was an article that is needed in every ward and that can be a powerful tool in teaching and helping members involve themselves in the glorious work of sharing the gospel and fellowshipping new converts. I am planning to make use of this article in the training of our stake missionaries. It’s true that member-missionary work is essential to establishing and building up the Lord’s Church.

Ruben N. Angeles,
Legazpi First Ward, Legazpi Philippines Stake

First Presidency Messages Bring Strength

The Liahona (Spanish) is a blessing from Heavenly Father. I have been a member of the Church for three years and a subscriber for two. I urge the members of the Church to subscribe and enjoy the spiritual feasts found in the magazine.

It is a great testimony to me in the daily struggles of life. The First Presidency Messages and other articles give me guidance in doing my home teaching and in preparing effective talks.

Eduardo E. Ortíz Picaluá,
El Bosque Branch, Sincelejo Colombia District

A Great Joy

I first learned about the Church in Cartagena, Bolívar, Colombia, from my neighbors. I found out how wonderful the Church is, and I know it is the true Church. I now live in Bogotá, where I moved to complete my professional training at the police academy. I’ve been here for six months, and I’ve been able to go to church only a few times because my weekends off are few. But my dad bought me a copy of the Liahona (Spanish), and this gift was a great joy. Although my parents are not members, they know the Church is very important to me. I know my Heavenly Father is with me and He hears my prayers.

Andrea Del Pilar Rojas,
El Socorro Branch, Cartagena Colombia Los Alpes District

Help for New Members

I’ve been a member of the Church for a short time, and I’m the only member in my family. The Liahona (Spanish) has really helped me with all the things I want to learn. I always carry the magazine in my bag so I can read it, and I know that the people who see me reading are interested in it too. The Liahona gives me enthusiasm for the gospel.

Giuliana Aguero Pareja,
Zamácola Ward, Arequipa Perú Zamácola Stake