“Jesus Teaches about Prayer,” Liahona, June 2001, 12–13
Jesus Teaches about Prayer

Jesus taught His disciples how to pray. He said some people want others to see them praying. Jesus taught that people should say their personal prayers where they can be alone, if possible. Matt. 6:5–6

He said some people say the same words over and over when they pray. They do not really think about what they are saying. But people should think about what they say. They should pray sincerely for what they need. Matt. 6:7–8

The Savior said a prayer as an example for His disciples. He began by saying, “Our Father … in heaven.” He thanked Heavenly Father. He asked Heavenly Father for help. He said “amen” at the end of His prayer. Later Jesus told His disciples to pray in His name. He promised that Heavenly Father would answer their prayers and bless them. Matt. 6:9–13; Matt. 21:22; Luke 11:5–10; John 16:23
Illustrated by Paul Mann