undefined undefined Family Home Evening Hunt
Family Home Evening Hunt
June 2001

“Family Home Evening Hunt,” Liahona, June 2001, 10–11


Family Home Evening Hunt

“We’re having a scavenger hunt,” Mom announced at family home evening.

Ten-year-old Amy and her brothers, Nathan and Carl, grinned.

Mom continued, “You’ll be able to find most of the things on the list tonight, but some may take all week. Heavenly Father will help you, if you ask.” She passed a list to each person.

Amy scanned the page: (1) a picture of Jesus Christ; (2) a story of a missionary experience; (3) a true pioneer story; (4) the name of an ancestor with your first or middle name.

“OK,” Mom said, before Amy could finish reading the list, “be back here in an hour. We’ll try to finish the list during the week, and we’ll share our experiences next week.”

Amy read the rest of the list: (5) a story about President Hinckley when he was young; (6) a scripture about faith; (7) a picture of a temple; and (8) someone to give a copy of the Book of Mormon to.

Amy groaned. The first seven wouldn’t be too hard. But who would she give a Book of Mormon to?

“The first one’s easy,” Amy said to herself. She pulled a small picture of Jesus Christ out of her journal.

Her Primary class had read Alma 32:21 last week. It was a good scripture on faith, so Amy marked it.

Amy’s middle name was Evelyn, and it was her great-grandmother’s name, too!

Next she looked through copies of The Friend. She found a picture of the Tokyo Japan Temple, a story about President Hinckley growing up, and several true pioneer stories. Then the hour was up.

No one in the family had thought of someone to give a Book of Mormon to. In the closing prayer, they asked for help in finding people who were looking for the gospel.

Brother and Sister McKenzie had just come home from their mission, so on Tuesday, Amy asked them about their mission. But she still didn’t know who to give a Book of Mormon to.

Amy thought and prayed all week. Who would want a Book of Mormon? What would she say to them? “We’re having a scavenger hunt—would you like a Book of Mormon?” They would laugh.

She didn’t want to be laughed at. The Book of Mormon wasn’t a joke. It was a special book. She loved it, and she loved Jesus Christ. That was it! It was a book for people who loved Jesus! Now Amy knew just the person.

She knelt and prayed for Heavenly Father’s help. She felt calm and warm inside as she rode her bike to her friend Sarah’s house. But the calm feeling vanished when she got to the door. She prayed silently, then rang the doorbell.

“Hi, Amy,” Mrs. Morgan said. “Sarah’s at her grandmother’s this week.”

“I came to talk to you,” Amy said. She took a deep breath, then hurried on. “Mrs. Morgan, you love Jesus Christ a lot, don’t you?”

“Oh, very much,” smiled Mrs. Morgan.

“Would you like another book about Him?” Amy held out a Book of Mormon.

“The Book of Mormon,” Mrs. Morgan read. “Another Testament of Jesus Christ.”

“It tells some really wonderful things about Jesus,” Amy said. “About His visit to America and what He taught the people there. And it has one of my favorite scriptures—‘When ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God’” (Mosiah 2:17).

“Another Testament of Jesus Christ,” Mrs. Morgan repeated softly. “Yes, Amy, I would like to read this. Thank you.”

Amy grinned, and the warm feeling grew inside her. “I like all of it, but 3 Nephi tells about the Savior’s visit to the Americas. I especially like when He blesses the children.”

Amy helped Mrs. Morgan find 3 Nephi.

Amy smiled and left as Mrs. Morgan sat on the steps and began reading. Still full of that warm feeling, Amy knew she had won the real prize of the scavenger hunt, and she hoped everyone else in her family would win it, too.

Photo illustrations by Craig Dimond