Using the June 2001 Liahona
June 2001

“Using the June 2001 Liahona,” Liahona, June 2001, 48

Using the June 2001 Liahona

You might find some helpful ideas for teaching and discussion in this issue of the Liahona. (The numbers below refer to pages in this issue. F=The Friend.)

Useful Ideas

  • “Who Do You Think You Are?” President James E. Faust, page 2: Discuss President Faust’s five ideas to help youth learn who they are. Think of personal applications for each of these ideas.

  • “A Disposition to Do Good Continually,” Elder Spencer J. Condie, page 14: If some of your dispositions are not in harmony with a Christlike character, consider that “dispositions grow from desires.” Pray that your desires will change, that you will “hunger and thirst after righteousness” (3 Ne. 12:6).

  • “Appreciating the Savior’s Sacrifice,” page 26: Read the words of the young man who was receiving help from his bishop to repent. What can you learn from his attitude about sin, repentance, and becoming clean before the Lord?

  • “‘Remember Who You Are,’” page 46: When you find yourself in difficult circumstances, remember this young woman’s message: Remember who you are. You are a child of God and can live with Him again if you are true to your covenants.

Call for Youth Articles

We are looking for articles from our youth readers—stories that will strengthen the faith of youth around the world. Please send accounts to YOUTH ARTICLES, Liahona, Floor 24, 50 East North Temple Street, Salt Lake City, UT 84150-3223, USA; or e-mail us at liahona@ldschurch.org. Please include your full name, age, home address, and ward and stake (or branch and district). If possible, include a photograph of yourself and of any other main characters in your article.

Photo illustration by Steve Bunderson
