Latter-day Saint Voices: ‘The Kingdom of God Is Here’
May 2002

“Latter-day Saint Voices: ‘The Kingdom of God Is Here’” Liahona, May 2002, 32–37

Latter-day Saint Voices:

“The Kingdom of God Is Here”

“We are citizens in the greatest kingdom on earth,” says President Gordon B. Hinckley, “a kingdom not directed by the wisdom of men but led by the Lord Jesus Christ. Its presence is real. Its destiny is certain” (see this issue, page 4).

In this month’s First Presidency Message, President Hinckley identifies seven pillars of truth, eternal verities that do not change as the world shifts its beliefs and values. One of these pillars is “the kingdom of God is here.” This simple and fundamental truth confronts every soul who comes in contact with the Church and sincerely desires to discover its truth. As the following stories illustrate, this pillar of truth does not change, but as men and women gain a testimony of it, their hearts and lives do.
