undefined undefined Four Temples to Be Dedicated by October
Four Temples to Be Dedicated by October
August 2005

“Four Temples to Be Dedicated by October,” Liahona, Aug. 2005, N7

Four Temples to Be Dedicated by October

In March the First Presidency announced the open house and dedication dates for four temples on three different continents. The San Antonio Texas, the Aba Nigeria, the Newport Beach California, and the Apia Samoa Temples will be dedicated before general conference in October.

San Antonio Texas Temple

The open house for the San Antonio Texas Temple was held from April 16 through May 7. Following the open house, the temple was formally dedicated on Sunday, May 22, in four dedicatory sessions.

The San Antonio Texas Temple is the fourth operating temple in Texas and serves nearly 50,000 members of the Church who reside within the temple district’s boundaries.

Aba Nigeria Temple

The Aba Nigeria Temple’s open house took place from June 18 through July 2. A cultural celebration will be held on August 6. The temple will be dedicated in four dedicatory sessions the next day, August 7. The temple will be open for ordinance work on August 8.

The Aba Nigeria Temple will join the Johannesburg South Africa Temple and the Accra Ghana Temple as the third temple in Africa.

Newport Beach California Temple

The open house for the Newport Beach California Temple will be held from July 23 through August 20 every day except Sundays. A cultural celebration will be held Saturday, August 27. The temple will be dedicated in four dedicatory sessions on August 28. The temple will open for ordinance work the next day, August 29.

The Newport Beach California Temple will be the sixth dedicated temple in California.

Apia Samoa Temple

After being destroyed by fire more than two years earlier in 2003, the Apia Samoa Temple will be rededicated September 4, in four dedicatory sessions.

The temple, which was gutted by flames during renovation in July 2003, will open its doors to the public every day except Sundays from August 6 to August 27.

A cultural celebration will be held on September 3, the day before the dedication. The temple will open for ordinance work on September 5.