undefined undefined The Power to Baptize and Confirm
The Power to Baptize and Confirm
August 2005

“The Power to Baptize and Confirm,” Liahona, Aug. 2005, F10

The Power to Baptize and Confirm

When Jesus Christ died in Jerusalem, there was a terrible storm in America. It destroyed many cities. Jesus appeared to the people in America and taught them the gospel. He gave Nephi and 11 other men the power and authority of the priesthood. Then He taught them the right way to baptize. Later the Savior laid His hands on the head of each of these men and “gave them power to give the Holy Ghost” to others. (See 3 Ne. 18:36–37; see also 3 Ne. 8:5–11, 20–23; 3 Ne. 11:8–11, 18, 21–26; 3 Ne. 12:1; Moro. 2:1–3.)

Color the picture below that illustrates the Savior giving the power and authority to give the Holy Ghost to one of His disciples. You could use the picture to talk about the Savior appearing in America and giving the Nephite disciples the priesthood power and authority to baptize and confirm.

power to baptize and confirm

Illustrated by Thomas S. Child